Monday, June 1, 2009

life update

So, awhile back I wrote a post called Live No Ordinary Life and I felt compelled to give a little update.

In the months since that post, I have felt happier and more content. I don't know that I would specify myself as "less ordinary" but these are still things to be thankful for.  A lot of our happiness comes from within. We can't always control our worldly situations, but we are the only ones who can control the way that we tackle life's tough situations. Big, elaborate productions are not always necessary for happiness- the good stuff often comes in super small packages.  I have found that I am truly the happiest when I am doing the silliest things like enjoying a walk at the lake on a sunny day, or making something unique for someone I love, or just grabbing a drink and a bite to eat with some really fun people. Life doesn't have to be a production, its just what you make it.

I feel like I've learned a lot these past few months. I know that, even though its cheesy, that every day is a gift. You never, ever know how long someone will be in your life and you should never take your loved ones for granted. I've learned that perhaps it really is better to love and lose than to never love at all [even though the losing really hurts sometimes]. I've learned that I desperately miss my friends when I dont see them for awhile, that I wish my extended family lived right around the corner, and that game nights make up some of the best nights of my life. I've decided that maybe it isn't so bad to have some debt- having money sure is nice, but it defintiely isn't everything. I've learned that its' ok if I want to rent movies two nights in a row and watch them alone. I know that I can survive on [much] less than 8 hours of sleep a night [even though I may not want to].

Have I accomplished any of my dreams and goals? No. In fact, I might be even farther from them than I was before. But I'm happy. I hope it stays that way for a long time. And I hope you're happy too- cuz I lub you.  :)

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