Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Sisters Keeper

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to see an early screening of My Sisters Keeper and I [obviously] jumped at the chance. I have been a huge fan of this book, and of Jodi Piccoult, since I first read My Sister's Keeper my Junior year in college. It has since then become kind of a "cult classic" among chick lit, with tons and tons of book clubs reading it. I have even heard of some colleges assigning the book as a read due to the controversial issues addressed in the book.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the storyline, the book follows Anna, an eleven year old girl who was conceived as a "donor baby" with the intention of using her to save the life of her older sister Kate who has leukemia. Kate is needing a kindey transplant and her parents are forcing Anna to "give" Kate one of hers. Anna files for Medican Emmancipation from her parents and that is the major plotline of the book.

As for the movie....

I in no way thought that this movie could even remotely live up to the book. The book is incredibly well written and you get such a perfect mental image of what everything looks like that it seemed impossible for the movie to compare. I'm not the biggest Cameron Diaz fan [unless its a RoCo- then shes the best] and the idea of her playing the mom in this movie didn't sit well with me.

But I gotta say........the movie was great. It really, really was. The whole time I was thinking, "They are doing a great job of portraying the story the way it is in the book". Nick Cassavetes did a really incredible job of digging into what this book is really about and portraying it in a real way that resounded with "normal people". There were people quietly [and some not so quietly] crying all around me throughout the movie- it is incredibly touching. Think about it- there is not one person who's never been affected by cancer in some way. This movie hits all the right emotional chords- even I shed a few tears! Three, to be exact.


If you are a fan of the book, I can 100% guarantee that you will be dissapointed by the movie because.........they changed the ending. Without giving the book [or the movie] away, the ending plays a HUGE part in the gut wrenching emotions that the book enduces and it is one of those "I didn't see that coming" endings. Dont' get me wrong, the ending to the movie is good, but it isn't the ending to the book [and it is somewhat more expected].

If you haven't read the book, but intend to, and would like to see the movie as well, see the movie first. Trust me. I would usually never recommend this, but trust me here: see the movie first. I think it will make the book that much more enjoyable.

If you have read the book and are afriad to see the movie b/c it will be dissapointing- well, you're kind of right. But see it anyway. Because it truly is a great movie. It is NOT your feel good movie of the year, so maybe take a couple of prozac beforehand. But if it can make ME cry [kind of] then its a pretty dang good movie.

I give it 3 and 3/4 stars out of 4.

1 comment:

Sarah A. Conley said...

Thanks for the heads-up. Wouldn't want to embarrass myself by screaming profanities and what-not.