Thursday, December 15, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Awards Season Is Almost Upon Us!

It seems like just yesterday that I was doing reviews on The Golden Globes and The Oscars, but here we are again with 2012 Golden Globe nominations being announced this morning. There were definitely some surprises, good and bad, but overall I think the nominations were fairly predictable. In years past, it has seemed as though the Golden Globe noms and wins would slightly predict the Academy Award noms and wins, so I'm excited to see how the Oscar nominations will compare and contrast.

"War Horse"
"The Ides of March"
"The Help"
"The Descendants"
Note: I have only seen half of these films and while I enjoyed "Ides of March", I do not under any circumstances think it is Best Picture material.

"The Artist"
"My Week With Marilyn"
"Midnight in Paris"
Note: I've only seen "Bridesmaids" in this category, but it has my full support. I dare you to show me a movie that is funnier.

George Clooney, "The Descendants"
Brad Pitt, ''Moneyball''
Leonardo DiCaprio, ''J.Edgar''
Ryan Gosling, ''The Ides of March''
Michael Fassbender, ''Shame''
Note: Again, I've only seen a few of these, but let me say first of all, "Moneyball" was a drama? Compared to this other films, I'd have to say that one of these things is not like the others and "Moneyball" is it. Additionally, Gosling got nominated for "Ides of March" but not "Drive" in this category? That makes pretty much ZERO sense. "Drive" was one of the most dramatic movies of 2011. I find this category to be a bit strange.

Viola Davis, "'The Help''
Meryl Streep, ''The Iron Lady''
Tilda Swinton, ''We Need to Talk About Kevin''
Rooney Mara, "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo''
Glenn Close, ''Albert Nobbs''
Note: I will admit my ignorance in what the rules and qualifications are for receiving a Golden Globes nomination, but does it seem odd to anyone else that movies that haven't even been released yet are nominated?? That seems a bit unfair.

Jean Dujardin, "The Artist''
Brendan Gleeson, ''The Guard''
Owen Wilson, ''Midnight in Paris''
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, ''50/50''
Ryan Gosling, ''Crazy, Stupid, Love''
Note: My vote in this category obviously goes to Ryan Gosling, but mostly because I haven't seen the other movies. Oops.

Michelle Williams, ''My Week With Marilyn''
Jodie Foster, ''Carnage''
Kristen Wiig, ''Bridesmaids''
Charlize Theron, ''Young Adult''
Kate Winslet, ''Carnage''
Note: Come on. Kristen Wiig, obvis.

Albert Brooks, ''Drive''
Christopher Plummer, ''Beginners''
Kenneth Branagh, ''My Week With Marilyn''
Jonah Hill, ''Moneyball''
Viggo Mortensen, ''A Dangerous Method''
Note: I loved Jonah Hill in Money Ball, but I wouldn't be surprised if Albert Brooks took this one. I wouldn't be mad at that, but I am a pinch surprised that he was nominated over Bryan Cranston.

Berenice Bejo, ''The Artist''
Octavia Spencer, ''The Help''
Jessica Chastain, ''The Help''
Janet McTeer, ''Albert Nobbs''
Shailene Woodley, "The Descendants"
Note: Voting for Octavia Spencer here.

Martin Scorsese, ''Hugo''
George Clooney, ''The Ides of March''
Michel Hazanavicius, ''The Artist''
Alexander Payne, ''The Descendants''
Woody Allen, ''Midnight in Paris'
Note: Scorsese every time.

"American Horror Story"
"Boardwalk Empire"
"Game of Thrones"
Note: Oh my word, this is like asking a mother to choose between her two new babies. I would love, love, love it if "American Horror Story" or "Homeland" won. If you aren't watching either of those shows, you need to get on it asap!

"New Girl"
"Modern Family"
Note: I'm surprised that "Glee" is even nominated this year as it has totally sucked balls this season. I love "Modern Family" and my money is on them, but I also think it's good that "New Girl" is getting some recognition. It was a rough start, but in my opinion, it has slowly become one of the funniest shows on television.

Steve Buscemi, "Boardwalk Empire"
Bryan Cranston, "Breaking Bad"
Kelsey Grammer, "Boss"
Jeremy Irons, "The Borgias"
Damian Lewis, "Homeland"
Note: Come on. Bryan Cranston, obviously.

Claire Danes, "Homeland"
Mireille Enos, "The Killing"
Julianna Margulies, "The Good Wife"
Madeleine Stowe, "Revenge"
Callie Thorne, "Necessary Roughness"
Note: Claire Danes all the way. I was just having a conversation with some fellow "Homeland" lovers about how great she is in that show.

Alec Baldwin, "30 Rock"
David Duchovny, "Californication"
Johnny Galecki, "The Big Bang Theory"
Thomas Jane, "Hung"
Matt LeBlanc, "Episodes"
Note: It doesn't get much funnier than Jack Donaghy.

Tina Fey, "30 Rock"
Amy Poehler, "Parks and Recreation"
Laura Dern, "Enlightened"
Zooey Deschanel, "New Girl"
Laura Linney, "The Big C"
Note: Tiny or Amy here. Again, glad that "New Girl" is getting some recognition, but Zooey isn't ready for a GG just yet.

"Mildred Pierce"
"Too Big Too Fail"
"Cinema Verite"
"Downton Abbey"
"The Hour"
Note: I only saw "Mildred Pierce" in this category, but it was pretty darn phenomenal.

William Hurt, "Too Big Too Fail"
Hugh Bonneville, "Downton Abbey"
Idris Elba, "Luther"
Bill Nighy, "Page Eight"
Dominic West, "Appropriate Adult"
Note: Don't really care in this category.

Peter Dinklage, "Game of Thrones"
Paul Giamatti, "To Big To Fail"
Guy Pearce, "Mildred Pierce"
Tim Robbins, "Cinema Verite"
Eric Stonestreet, "Modern Family"
Note: Obviously Eric Stonestreet.

Jessica Lange, "American Horror Story"
Kelly Macdonald, "Boardwalk Empire"
Maggie Smith, "Downton Abbey"
Sofia Vergara, "Modern Family"
Evan Rachel Wood, "Mildred Pierce"
Note: Sorry ERW and Sofia Vergara, but I have to go with Jessica Lange here. She nails the creepy psychopath role on "American Horror Story".

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Ghetto Christmas

I'm not sure if this is hilarious, sad, or sacrilege, but I'm rolling with it! It's Christmas time in da hood, y'all.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Monday- Just Cause Edition


This is probably not a big secret nor a big surprise to many of you, but I am totally having a love affair with Florence + the Machine lately. After the initial high from a new album, my excitement usually comes in waves and I am hard core riding one right now. Check out some live performances from the AOL Sessions below.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Top 10 Albums of 2011

As I mentioned before, the year is winding down and since I don't anticipate that I'll be doing a lot of blogging over my break [my mothers internet is sketchy. and by sketchy I mean not wireless. And by not wireless I mean that she just upgraded from dial up a few years ago. Seriously.], I thought that there was no better time than the present than do make my list of Top 10 Albums of 2011.

Just to give a little preface, this list is based on nothing more than the albums that I personally listened to the most, connected with the most, and frankly, liked the most. I'd love to hear what albums you guys loved this year. Let me know in the comments section.

1. Watch the Throne- Jay-Z and Kanye West
For me personally, this album was much anticipated and definitely delivered. It is one solid hip hop album from top to bottom and still hasn't left my rotation. One of my biggest regrets of 2011 was that I missed this live. Darn you $250 tickets!

2. 21-Adele
This album is arguably, the best album of 2011 [or second best according to moi ;)] and possibly even one of the best albums in years. I must admit though that I have grown tired of it and I'm not sure if its because of radio overplaying it [probably] or because I just listened to it for so long, even before it came out [thanks NPR!]. This is a great album, can't wait for the next one, and I hope that darn throat of hers gets better soon!

3. Ceremonials-Florence + The Machine
Ok. If you have not heard this album yet, do not walk, RUN to grab a copy. It does not matter if you weren't a fan of the first album, you'd have to be crazy to not love this one. I liked the first album just fine, really enjoyed a few songs here and there, but top to bottom it wasn't my favorite. Not so here. Ceremonials is big and loud, musically and lyrically heavy in the best of ways. I have yet to find a place where this album doesn't fit perfectly: work, driving, the gym, it blends effortlessly into any situation [so far!]. I dare you to not like it.

4. Circuital-My Morning Jacket
Again, if you've not been a My Morning Jacket fan in the past [raises hand sheepishly] it is a must that you check this album out. This isn't the first MMJ album that I've purchased, heck it wasn't even the second or third, but it was the first that I really, hard core got into. Also, live? Forget about it. This stuff is amazing.

5. Helplessness Blues-Fleet Foxes
I know that some people could take or leave Fleet Foxes, but I personally will take it! I was a really big fan of the first album and the second didnt disappoint one bit for me.

6. Take Care-Drake
It actually hurt my heart a little bit to put Drake as low as number 6, but I've had 1-5 for much longer than his new album, so I suppose that is my only justification. I have loved Drake since Day 1 [literally loved. One of my friends calls Drake my "Light skinned boyfriend"], but I have to be honest and say I didn't love, love, love his first cd. Much like with Nicki Minaj, I enjoyed the guest verses he did on other people's songs more than the album [sorry, boo]. However, that is not at all the case with this new album. Sure, there are one or two tracks that I might skip over, but this is one solid piece of work. If you're working on your fitness at all, I promise that you need this album in your work out arsenal. You can thank Drake later for all your new muscles.

7. Bon Iver- Bon Iver
I mean, come on. How could you not love Bon Iver? I've seen him live now twice and I'd dare to say that live is almost better than the album. If you're looking for calming, soothing music with the occasional edge to relax to, then look no further. It's here and it's for the taking. So won't you take it?

8. Simple Math- Manchester Orchestra
Ok, I might be a pinch biased here except NOT REALLY because this album is phenomenal. Simple Math is the third full length album from M.O. and it does not disappoint. They somehow managed to grow and mature their sound while also making it feel more like the first album than the second. Andy Hull has always been a brilliant [and underrated] songwriter, but on this album he seems to take it to another level. If you haven't checked them out yet, I'd recommend started with this album and working your way backwards. The boys will be happy to keep you company during the holidays.

9. King of Limbs-Radiohead
Am I wrong when I assume that not everyone loved this album? I feel like rarely did I hear people saying "The new Radiohead rocks my socks off", but then again, when you have a catalog as phenomenal as Radiohead's, at some point it's going to get hard to top yourself. I personally really enjoyed King of Limbs. Sure, it's not Kid A [well, not exactly like it anyway] and it sounds nothing like Ok Computer, but it's still Radiohead. Everybody needs to just shut up and let Thom Yorke be great, ok???

10. Metals- Feist
It mean, it's Leslie Feist. How could I deny her greatness? How could I ever say no? I think the day that I ever dislike a Feist album may just be the day that hell freezes over. This album is really great, and I don't think anyone else on the planet could make cicadas seem appealing.

Tori Tori Tori!

Can you believe it? Only 16 days til Christmas 22 til the end of 2011. On one hand it seems as though this year has flown by and on the other hand it seems like January was such a very long time ago.

All that to say, the year is winding down, I've got only 5 more working days until I get two blissful weeks of holiday vacation and that is why I've hardly been blogging. Just to clarify, I'm not so much busy as I'm just winding down and becoming extra lazy!

So anywho, since I didn't get enough time off at Thanksgiving, I decided to take a day off last week and head down to the DirtyDirty [aka Atlanta] with my best Nuni to catch one of his favorites, Tori Amos. I bought my first Tori Album, Little Earthquakes, when I was a senior in high school, mostly because my best friend Drew and I auditioned for the talent show with her song "Winter". I had kind of forgotten about her if you will until I met my Nuni a few years ago. Unlike me, he could quite possibly Tori's biggest fan on the face of the planet [in an adorable way]. Also unlike me, he had seen her in concert many a time, so he had some idea of what to expect. Now, I don't want to say that I was "nervous" per say, but when an artists biggest fan tells you the show is going to "change your life", its hard to tell whether you can believe them because, well, they're a little biased. In this particular case, he was not wrong.

Ok, well, it maybe didn't change my life, but it was phenomenal. Tori is on tour with just her fabulous old lady piano [her words, not mine] and a string quartet [two violins, a cello and a viola]. I was mesmerized from beginning to end, so much so that I literally peeled off all the nail polish on all ten fingers and didn't even realized I was doing it until the deed was done. If you haven't listened to Tori recently or at all, please do check her out, and if you like her but have never seen it, then trust me when I say that the cds don't even compare to a live show.

Check out some of my pictures below!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Darn You Angelina!

As much as I try to dislike you, you really are incredible pretty.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Movie Reviews!

It's been a long time since I've posted a movie review, but I seem to have seen a LOT lately, so I definitely want to tell you guys about them.

I had been really excited about seeing this movie ever since seeing the trailer before Drive. Elizabeth Olsen [who you may remember from The Adventures of Mary-Kate and Ashley. She played the annoying little sister, Lizzie. Maybe she still does.] is really phenomenal in this film which happens to be, not her first, but her first big break at least. The film is based around Martha, a gal in her young twenties who we learn disappeared from her family for two years and was involved in a backwoods cult. Theft, murder, orgies and rape co-exist in this cult alongside slighty more normal cult activities like chores, gardening, and well, nudity. Martha almost completely loses her identity to the cult and somehow decides that she must get out. She calls her sister, who really is a kind of uptight bitch, but we'll cut her some slack because she and her husband take Martha into their home and try to understand where she has been and what has happened to her.

The scenes move fluidly from present time to flashbacks, so much so that sometimes you aren't sure which you are watching. It is a beautifully made film, albeit somewhat disturbing at times, and the acting was truly stellar. I do enjoy me some Olsen twins, but I think we can all agree that any acting that has been done in the recent past has been less than amazing, so I was somewhat skeptical of Elizabeth's skills. Trust me, this girl is legit. Acting is a craft to her, and it shows. I think she did a phenomenal job in this film. I do highly recommend it to everyone but I will say that I absolutely, 100% hated the ending. Hated. You'll see.

This past weekend, my local theatre was offering a double feature with Ides of March and Moneyball for the price of one movie. The only thing that I like more than cheap is Ryan Gosling, George Clooney and Brad Pitt, so how could I say no? I had really been wanting to see IOM for a long time and had just never gotten around to it. Waiting usually means that you're going to see a lot of reviews ad hear a lot of opinions before getting down to the business of actually watching the film. In this case, I actually heard few reviews, but the ones I did come across were not entirely favorable. A friend of mine told me "It was eh. You can rent it." and while she is one of my besties, I almost didn't believe her. Ryan Gosling and George Clooney eh?? You've got to be kidding me!
Well, she was kind of right. It's not that the movie isn't good, because it really, really is, it just happens to be kind of slow. The film seems borderline between wanting to seem kind of indie and dark and wanting to be a Hollywood blockbuster. I think the story kind of got lost in the idea of "what can this film be?" There isn't a great climax in the story and as a result, the finished product feels anti-climatic as a whole. I don't want to seem like a total doner on the film because I'm not at all sorry that I saw it, but my friend was right- watch this one from the comfort of your couch.

I have seen trailers and advertisements everywhere for what seems like years for this movie, but I never totally had an interest in seeing it. I'm not sure why because I am a sucker for an inspirational sports movie that is based on a true story, but it's probably because Brad Pitt really annoys me these days [call it the Angelina Jolie effect]. However, since I like cheap and free, I wasn't about to pass up ANY movie that was included in a double feature. As it turns out, I'm so glad that I saw this movie. I feel like it's unlikely that it will be an Oscar contender or anything like that, but as stated above, I'm a sucker for these types of films and I fell hard for this one. Brad Pitt did a great job playing the Oakland A's general manager and former baseball player Billy Beane, and Jonah Hill did a great job playing a nerd with a economics degree from Yale who just happens to be obsessed with baseball. This one would also be just as good from the comfort of your house, but I'd say its also worth the $10 to see it in theaters. It won't be there much longer though, so you better jump on it soon!

Rented this one with the roomie the other night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were a few things that I personally would've changed, but I don't really want to share them because it will kind of spoil the movie! Overall, a really great film, super action packed [it is Spielberg after all], and slightly scarier than either of us expected it to me. Rent it this weekend!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Music Monday Continues: Christmas Edition

Everyone with even a hint of Christmas Cheer will be excited about this post- it's ALL Christmas Music. Yay!!!!!

Christmas Mix by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark


Yes guys, I will in fact be putting up a Christmas playlist again today, but lest you guys totally hate me for that, I thought I'd start Monday off with some new hip-hop.

I don't always trust actors who decide to sing or rap, but in the case of Childish Gambino [who you may know better as Donald Glover who plays Troy Barnes on Community and used to write on 30 Rock], I am totally on board.

Check out his debut album, Camp, below.

childish gambino by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Help Us Lord!

Justin Beiber's assassination on everything holy continues with his rendition of Mariah Carey's infamous Christmas song "All I Want For Christmas Is You". The worst [or possibly best?] part of it? Mimi participated!!! I will say, her body be lookin RIGHT these days. Having twins may have been the best thing that ever happened to her. Also, it's kind of wrong that she is rubbing on her boobies in a video with a 12 year old. She'll probably be pregnant with his baby soon.

Time to Start Planning My Grammy Party...

The Grammy Nominations concert was last night and since I am a terrible Music Industry employee, I totally forgot to watch it. However, I've still got a list of the top nominations for you as well as my predictions!

Adele- Rolling in the Deep
Bon Iver- Holocene
Bruno Mars- Grenade
Mumford & Sons- The Cave
Katy Perry- Firework
*Hard to give an opinion because almost all of these songs are winners in my book [however, I could do without "Firework"]. I'm going to put my prediction on Adele because the entire industry seems to be completely smitten with her. Something tells me that she may sweep every category she is nominated in.

Adele- 21
Foo Fighters- Wasting Light
Lady Gaga- Born This Way
Bruno Mars- Doo-Wops and Hooligans
Rihanna- Loud
* Not gonna lie, the Rihanna nomination here is kind of surprising, but I'm fine with it because I really think Adele will win this category as well. I do think there is a slight chance that the Foo Fighters could have an upset here because they are industry legends, but I wouldn't bet on it. I am starting to feel like everyone is OVER Lady Gaga, so I don't really think she stands a chance here.

"All of the Lights"-Kanye West
"The Cave"- Mumford and Sons
"Grenade"- Bruno Mars
"Holocene"- Bon Iver
"Rolling in the Deep"- Adele
*Again, I'm going to have to say that Adele will probably win this category, but I do think she has some competition from Kanye here. Nothing would make me happier than if Mumford or Bon Iver won, but I just don't see it happening.

Nicki Minaj
Bon Iver
The Band Perry
* Pretty sure that Nicki Minaj has got this one in the bag although, again, I would pee my pants over a Bon Iver win. Also, dear Grammys, just because you JUST NOW started paying attention to him doesn't mean that Bon Iver is "new".

Tony Bennett & Amy Winehouse- "Body and Soul"
The Black Keys- "Dearest"
Coldplay- "Paradise"
Foster the People- "Pumped Up Kicks"
Maroon 5- "Moves Like Jagger"
*Hmmm, this one is tricky. I'm inclined to say that Tony & Amy have the upper hand here with the whole being a legend/ being dead combo, but The Black Keys and Coldplay sneak up on people sometimes. And can I just say, REALLY with the Foster the People nomination? I liked their album when it came out and even enjoyed their show, but they are hardly Grammy material. I'm gonna stick with Tony and Amy in this category.

Adele- 21
CeeLo Green- The Lady Killer
Lady Gaga- Born This Way
Rihanna- Loud
Bruno Mars- DooWops and Hooligans
*Adele again.

Coldplay- "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall"
Mumford & Sons- "The Cave"
Foo Fighters- "Walk"
The Decemberists- "Down by the Water"
Radiohead- "Lotus Flower"
* I would genuinely be happy with any of these wins, but I think this one is going to the Foo Fighters.

Jeff Beck- "Rock N Roll Party Honoring Les Paul"
Kings of Leon- "Come Around Sundown"
Foo Fighters- "Wasting Light"
Red Hot Chili Peppers- "I'm With You"
Wilco- "The Whole Love"
*I'm going Foo Fighters again in this category [although that Wilco album was pretty darn good.....]

Bon Iver-Bon Iver
Death Cab For Cutie- Codes and Keys
Foster the People- Torches
My Morning Jacket- Circuital
Radiohead- King of Limbs
*If we took Foster the People and Death Cab out, this would almost be a perfect category. Foster needs to go because they simply don't deserve it, and Death Cab needs to go because I'm pretty sure that everyone is aware that this was not Ben Gibbard's best effort. I'm calling My Morning Jacket on this one, but I think Radiohead and Bon Iver still stand a chance.

Chris Brown- "Look At Me Now"
Jay-Z and Kanye West- "Otis"
Lupe Fiasco- "The Show Goes On"
Nicki Minaj and Drake- "Moment for Life"
Wiz Kalifa- "Black and Yellow"
*Watch the Throne here. No competition.

Beyonce and Andre 3000- "Party"
DJ Khaled, Drake, Rick Ross & Lil Wayne- "I'm On One"
Eminem, Dr. Dre & Skylar Grey- "I Need a Doctor"
Rihanna and Drake- "What's My Name"
Kanye West, Rihanna, Kid Cudi, Fergie- "All of the Lights"
* Hmmmm, this one is quite a bit trickier. I was initially thinking Beyonce might nab this one, but I think I'm going to change my mind and say that this one is going to "All of the Lights". Mad love to Drake for getting 2 noms in this category.

Jay-Z and Kanye West- Watch the Throne
Lil Wayne- The Carter IV
Lupe Fiasco-Lasers
Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday
Kanye West- My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
*Here we GO! Now this is a competitive category. I'm gonna say that "The Throne" is going to win here with the slight possibility that Kanye alone will win for "MBDTF".

Linda Chorney- Emotional Jukebox
Ry Cooder- Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down
Emmylou Harris- Hard Bargain
Levon Helm- Ramble at the Ryman
Lucinda Williams- Blessed
*I'm going with Emmylou here for obvious reasons, but also because I dont think she has much competition here [the only exception to that being Levon Helm].

So set your calendars to tune into CBS on February 12th and see if I'm right!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Last Christmas Post, I PROMISE

Well, for today anyway!

dave barnes christmas by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark

More Christmas Cheer!

michael buble by LeeAnn Carlen on Grooveshark

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's that time of year again, ladies and gents. Thanksgiving is officially over [and what a delicious holiday it was!], everyone has hopefully started their Christmas shopping (if not for others, at least for themselves. Guilty as charged), and there's a chill in the air. I tend to be one of those obnoxious people that starts listening to Christmas Music the minute Halloween is over, but for some reason I just wasn't into it this year. Even Thanksgiving didn't really feel like the "holidays" to me, but yesterday I helped my mom get all of her Christmas decorations out and all it took was the twinkle of one set of Christmas lights and I was full of Christmas Cheer! I listened to Christmas tunes all the way back to Nashville and they have been entertaining me this morning as well.

Now, I don't always love Zoe Deschanel [unless it's on The New Girl], but I kind of enjoy the new She & Him Christmas album. There are a few duds, but there are also a few really great renditions on Christmas Classics. Take a listen below and check back later for more Christmas tunes [and some regular ole tunes for you Scrooges out there].

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let's Watch Some Videos Today, Whaddya Say?

Feist, "How Come You Never Go There"

Florence + The Machine, "No light, no light"

Ingrid Michaelson, "Ghost"

Rihanna, "We Found Love"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Your Cute Cat Video of the Day

Filed Under: Yes, Yes, Yes

For some unknown reason, I do not have SNL scheduled to record on my DVR. I am one of approximately 10 people that still watch and enjoy it and every Monday I find myself smacking my forehead for missing another fabulous episode. This week featured another one of my celeb boyfriends, Jason Seigel [ I don't understand it either...] and the ever fabulous Florence + The Machine. Florence sang "Shake It Out" [which I did not post because it wasn't the strongest performance. Am I crazy, or was she flat almost the entire time] and "No Light, No Light" which are two of my favorite songs off of the new album.

I would like to mention, because it's what we do here, that Flo's fashion sense was SPOT.ON. for this show. I will take both of those dresses, please and thank you.

She also must have a pretty great sense of humor, because she participated in this highly ridiculous skit.

More New Music Monday

Ok, this doesn't get me quite as giddy as Drake [what does?], but I'm certainly not mad at this new Jessie Baylin EP. It really is the perfect soundtrack for this gloomy, gloomy day.

Jessie Baylin - Pleasure Center EP by jessiebaylin

What I am mad at is her always perfect hair. Damn you, Baylin!
Jessie Baylin

New Music Monday

As y'all probably know, I have lots of celebrity boyfriends but my very favorite one is oddly Canadian and is affectionately known as my "light skinned boyfriend". He is the one, the only, Drizzy Drake and he has a new album out. I worked my little tushy off to this at the gym yesterday and I happen to think it will jump start your morning?

Are you into that? Well fuck, let's get it then!

In Support Of Child Abuse

If ever there were a reason to beat your kids, this just might be it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Filed Under: Er, What?

I'm pretty sure these Christmas Gift Ideas speak for themselves, so I'm just going to let them do so. Feel free to buy them for your loved ones [or it might be more appropriate to buy for someone you hate].

a Horsehead Mask

Instant Underpants [please feel free to read the reviews here]

DarkFin Gloves

For the Camper in your life, how bout a Bear Sleeping Bag?

The Perfect Snowball maker

And for the Canine in your life....

The only thing cuter than a beard on a baby is a moustache on a dog!

Moody Pet Humunga Stache Ball Dog Toy

or this

Happy Hunting!

Sometimes I Think I'm Crafty

If you have previously read this blog, then you already happen to know that I may be a bit of a fashion addict. You may also have realized from recent posts that I am obsessed with all things that sparkle.

It was love at first sight for me and the MiuMiu glitter booties that are all the rage this fall [seen below in a variety of styles and colors], but sadly, this blogger is ballin on a budget and I don't exactly have $800+++ to drop on shoes.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. Thanks to a handy tutorial I saw on Pinterest, I realized that I could take this pair of shoes:

and turn them into this:

Voila! My very own sparkle shoes that cost me approximately $6.00 [and I'm throwing in the adorable pic of my dog Rugrat in the background for free]. I have owned these shoes for quite sometime and they were the perfect free canvas for my madness. If you don't already own a pair of shoes that you're willing to make over, check out your local Goodwill for a bargain.

These are the supplies you'll need:
Painters Tape [free for me- already had on hand]

Modge Podge [free for me- already had on hand]

Glitter [approximately $2.99. I almost did all red since the heel of the shoe was already red, but I didn't want it to look too Wizard of Oz-y]

Krylon Clear Acrylic Spray [approximately $3.50]

Old Newspaper or Magazine to work on

Tape off the portion of the shoe that you want to glitterize [or do the whole shoe if you're feeling adventurous!]. Paint a relatively thin coat of Modge Podge on and sprinkle with glitter. Repeat this around the heel [I did mine in 3 sections] and let dry [I dried mine overnight]. Spray with your clear acrylic spray [this keeps the glitter from falling off.....allegedly], let dry, and then dazzle your friends!

Ok Ok Ok.....

I have not made it a big secret that I'm not a huge fan of Taylor Swift, but I do sometimes think that if I actually knew her, I would really like her as a person. This clip from her upcoming 60 Minutes special proved that to me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Little Something for Your Hump Day

At the request of a certain reader, I have made a Spotify playlist for you to check out if you'd like! It's a rainy, dreary fall Wednesday here in Nashville and this would usually make me want to listen to Bon Iver and zone out, but NOT TODAY. Today we dance our way through the darkness. And yes, I did just say that. Some of the songs are great and some are super cheesy, but they all happen to make me wanna dance, so just go with the flow. So click the link below and enjoy!!

Just Shake Your Hump Day!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree, How GTL Are Your Branches

I love Christmas time. The chill in the air, the kindness of strangers, the trimming of the tree. At my house, we have ornaments that date back from when I was a babay, and I sure do love those, but there has seemed to be something missing the past few years. Luckily, I think I know what can fill the void.

Christmas ornaments in the shape of Jersey Shore castmembers. Hooray!

The caption on this photo was "An ornament that will make your Christmas tree glad it's already dead". Hahahaha.

Filed Under: DISAGREE

People Magazine has finally named their Sexiest Man of the Year [I know you've all been waiting] and it might not be who you'd expect.

Bradley Cooper???????

Now look, I ain't mad at Bradley Cooper, but he is definitely not THE sexiest. I think a better bet would have been that sweet, magic loving fella in the small box. That's right, I said it. Ryan Gosling is a ton sexier than Bradley Cooper and a helluva better actor. I think we can all breathe a sigh of relief now that that statement is out in the open.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obsession of the Day

Party nails!!

A little over a week ago, I was purchasing a new lipstick [I know, I know, like I needed another one] and spotted a gem of a polish at the cash register. It was from O.P.I.'s new "Muppet" line and the color was called "Rainbow Connection". I said "Yes, please" and tossed it in my bag.

Evidently it's a hit because I carried it in my purse to Chicago this past weekend [it chips off pretty easily] and before I knew it, all my girlfriends had party nails too! Needless to say, mayhem ensued.


Readers, this advice comes from an anonymous friend of a friend and I just thought it was too good to share. It's a great reminder that the universe is bigger than us [in all aspects- not just relationships] and that sometimes we need to just relax and know that God has a perfect timing for everything- even boyfriends!

Your email prompted me to reflect on some of the themes I've been thinking about recently, and since I am going to be in the office all night and a reflection break sounded like a tempting idea, I offer the following for you to read, ignore, turn into a paper airplane, etc. Mostly it's my own reflections, but perhaps you may find some of it helpful, even if just for kindling.

What I have learned though, in my egregious old age and from having dated since the age of 12 and having made likely every single dating mistake possible is to simply do the following: relax. relax. then take a deep breath and...relax. Or, as I like to tell myself, "chill the f*ck out". (Caveat: I only FINALLY understood this idea and put it into actual practice very recently, with results I have been really happy with; admittedly, it is MUCH easier in theory than in practice.) I really, really believe that now and I have been very happy with how that philosophy has been affecting my life and then my romantic life in the past couple of months, in particular since meeting X and how I've dealt with all the excitement associated with that.

One of my books on training for long-distance running encourages you to run slowly, pointing out that it's a long-distance run and not a sprint and that most injuries come from trying to run too fast but that it's nearly impossible to get injured by running too slowly. So run slowly. There's no downside risk. No matter how excited I am or how perfect things seem, one hard and fast rule for myself now is, for example, absolutely no meeting of the parents before 6 months (again, I learned this from experience!). There's no downside risk to waiting that extra little bit of time, but running too fast can cause injuries you might not otherwise have experienced. Barring exceptional circumstances of course, the parents will still be there in 6 months. Waiting and self-discipline about taking big steps quickly or getting ahead of the point a relationship has had the time to naturally progress of course really sucks when you're super-excited (and, again, I admit, I have historically completely sucked at this and exhalted in rushing) but, like long-distance running, you're never going to mess things up by going to slowly. As an anecdotal point, I'm actually also now a big fan of waiting longer than regular to get physical (read: to bone)--I wonder if those women in the 50s were actually onto something...

One good piece of advice that I received from someone much older and wiser than me is that it is great to get excited about a man, and to believe that he is "the one" (I, like many women and possible men I suspect, routinely think at first that whoever I'm dating is "the one") when you initially start dating, and there is of course a possibility that he will be, but statistically it is a very slim possibility. That's not to be pessimistic, but just to remember to relax, and to not project too much into the future. The other part of this, that should help you relax and just go with the flow, is that as we get older the men we meet and get into relationships with tend to be better and better matched to us. So while the end of a relationship definitely sucks balls and it's ok to feel very disappointed and eat icecream in bed, it really does make sense to then be excited for the next person who will almost certainly be better matched to you; statistically, it makes logical sense and is the most reasonable assumption.

In order to aid with my *chill the f*ck out" mantra, I like to listen to this song almost every day: Especially when I start to get over-excited about current relationship things. The music and the lyrics are both relaxing and I find it to be a good reminder to relax and enjoy every little bit of the journey of getting to know someone; falling in love should be one of the most wonderful times in your life--milk it, let it last for as long as it can!

Another mantra I really currently like in relationships and in life is: relax, everything is unfolding exactly as it should. I stole that one from X's favorite book. It helps me chill the fuck out. I really truly do feel optimistic that everything is unfolding exactly as it should be for me and for you in love and in life.

Other advice that I've gotten, which may not be at all applicable to you but which I've found really helpful so I'll spew it out anyway, is that the right man will make you feel very comfortable and at ease. You won't be worried about defining relationships or moving things along to the next stage, you will feel very calm and secure and relaxed, which allows all of the "stops along the way" (as per the Frank Sinatra song) to happen all on their own. I only half-heartedly believed this before but now I really get what these older and wiser people were talking about. I also finally agree that it's a good idea to let the guy drive when it comes to the speed of the relationship (unless he's driving too fast, of course). We are of course smarter than the menfolk and know a good thing when we see it long before they do but they need time to figure it out at their own, slower pace--it takes a lot of patience, but is a good very general rule of thumb I think, at least at first. I also think the thesis of the jazz song "100 Days, 100 Nights" is completely true-- it takes roughly 100 days for men to get over their initial infatuation and figure out how they really feel about a woman and a relationship and where they are at with themselves and their own life. Even if they think they know what they're doing and that they know themselves and what they want, I think it's always safe to give them about 100 days juuuuuust to make sure. Like how we don't let infants or the insane enter into contracts, same idea. :)

Finally, to top off all my unsolicited advice, is the issue of timing. Timing is king. A relationship must have the blessing of timing. Things happen when they are ready to happen, I really and truly believe that. I didn't feel that I personally was really ready with all aspects of my life to meet "the one" or whatever we shall call him (I don't really believe in the concept of "the one", I think there are many people we could all lead happy lives with) until I got the lease on my apartment in X on Y, which was the last piece of having all the components of my life and myself in order and set up the way I wanted them. And maybe I am wrong, maybe I'll still not ready, in which case, the universe is unfolding exactly as it should and I'm sure everything will work out for me, and then I am a little excited about whoever this new superman of my future I haven't met yet will be.

Alrighty, I think that's all for now. Thank you for humoring me and giving me an excuse to reflect a little and put off revising this X.
Big hug,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

CMA Awards Fashion Recap!

The CMA Awards aired last night on ABC and, if I do say so myself, it was very entertaining! Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood really do have some comic magic with one another and it seems like they get better and better every year with their hosting duties [either that, or they're getting better writers. Maybe its both!].

I am somewhat surprised to say that the fashion last night was pretty darn spot on! The hair is quite another story, but for the most part everyone looked phenominal.

One interesting exception......Laura Bell Bundy.

Now there is something interesting about this dress that I do enjoy, but the environment was not correct. This is the CMA Awards honey, not Water for Elephants nor Dancing with the Stars. I think that this dress could have been more of a hit if she had just let the skirt fall, but unfortunately, most of her poses looked like this
Laura Bell, this may be why your budding career has been reduced to appearing in car commercials. Just sayin'.

Carrie Underwood on the other hand was Stunning.
She had more outfit changes than I could even count last night, and with a few exceptions [that Britney Spears/Michael Jackson throwback outfit for example] all of her looks were gorgeous. I especially love this dress that she wore on the red carpet. The golds go perfectly with her hair and skin tones. Well done!

Now THIS is what a sharped dress man looks like!
Well done, Lionel Richie.

Faith Hill looked absolutely stunning, if not a little too thin. Perhaps her friend Gwyneth Paltrow is wearing off on her?

Now I'm not a huge Jennifer Nettles/ Sugarland fan, but I absolutely adore this dress that Jennifer wore on the red carpet was flawless. To be fair, it's totally my style and if I were ever in need of a formal dress, I would probably gravitate to something like this. She looks great in it!

Miranda Lambert looked gorgeous, and luckily, her red carpet dress seemed to fit better than the one she accepted her award in.

The guys and gal of Lady Antebellum looked phenomenal per usual. These guys get it right almost every time.

Ok, now. This is where the CMA fashion gets interesting. This is where the CMAs get interesting in general. The Band Perry. Frankly, I despise their song "If I Dye Young", but evidently CMA voters disagree with me. What we can probably all agree on is that these brothers need some HELP, specifically with the hair.
The one on the left actually looks pretty dapper from the neck down, but that MOP. I mean, does he not have a mirror? Can he not see that hair?? The girl is quite lovely and both of her dresses last night were out of the ballpark successes. The one on the far right needs new pants. And no, I do not know any of their names.

The ladies of Little Big Town look phenom. I absolutely love the beading on both of their dresses and they look absolutely stunning. Doesn't hurt that they have a Lionel Richie in between them.

Now, here's another place where hair comes into play. I dont have anything terrible to say about Nicole Kidman's dress, but I am absolutely despising her hair these days. To her credit, the color may be for a film role, but it's just too drab for her. She needs a richer red to brighten up her skin tone. The End.

I actually quite liked LeAnn Rimes hair, make up and dress, but I do dearly wish that she would eat more. She is adamant that she doesn't have an eating disorder and that may very well be true, but I wish she would recognize that this level of thin just isn't attractive. Put some meat on those bones sister!

And onto Taylor Swift......don't worry, I actually have nice things to say [for the most part]. I really, really like this dress on her. It is not flesh colored, it is not too young, but also not too matronly, and it isn't beaded [not that I'm mad at a beaded dress, and she can rock one like no other, I just like to see her mix it up!].
I will, however, hop on my soapbox once again about, you guessed it, her hair! What is with these people and their hair? She has a gorgeous head of signature curls, but this color is so, so boring. Not so long ago, she had a great golden blonde in her hair and it looked beautiful. If she wants to lean towards a slightly darker color, I fully support that and think she would be beautiful has a brunette, but even if she doesn't go that dark she has GOT to put some dimension in her hair.

If you were not able to watch the awards show last night, you'll just have to trust me that it was hilarious. Check out the video of the opening below and you'll get a little peek at what I mean.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Music Monday: Album Review Continued


HIGH POINTS: Um, pretty much all of it. I enjoyed the last Florence album, but I rarely listened to it from top to bottom. This one, however, I simply cannot stop listening to. From "Shake It Out" to "Never Let Me Go" to "Spectrum", I love almost every single song and that my friends is rare.

LOW POINTS: This entire album is truly strong, but if I HAD to pick, my least favorites would probably be "Breaking Down", and maybe "Heartlines". Even though they are my lease faves, I still really, really like them!

OVERALL: Buy this album, Buy this album, Buy this album. I give it Five out of Five FRIENDS.


HIGH POINTS: Ladies and Gents, it has felt like one hot minute since we've had a new Ryan Adams album [even though it's really only been a year] and therefore it could've been an album full of crap and I probably still would've drank it up. I'm loving "Dirty Rain", "Ashes & Fire", "Come Home", "Lucky Now", and "I Love You But I Don't Know What To Say".

LOW POINTS: Much like with the new Florence albu, I pretty much enjoy this one top to bottom. If you skipped "Do I Wait" and "Kindness" it probably wouldn't kill you, but I don't recommend it.

OVERALL: I say buy it. I feel confident that if you are a Ryan Adams fan, you won't be disappointed [although its hard to tell with his followers]. I give it four and a half out of five FRIENDS.

Music Monday: Album Review

There has been SO MUCH new music in the past month that it has almost been hard to keep up! Let's review some of the top new releases below, shall we?


HIGH POINTS: When you release an album that is 17 tracks long, you are bound to have some fantabulous gems hidden in there somewhere. A few of my personal favorites are "Dark Side", "The War is Over", "Let Me Down", "You Can't Win", "The Sun Will Rise" and "Why Don't You Try". I am also pretty obsessed with Kelley's duet with Jason Aldean, "Don't You Wanna Stay". That is one solid song.

LOW POINTS: I'm a huge fan of Kelly, but there is definitely some cheesiness on this album. I initially turned my nose up at "Einstein" with lyrics like "Dumb plus Dumb equals you" [but I will admit that the song itself has grown on me]. You could also probably skip over "I Forgive You" and not miss it.

OVERALL: I did not love this album as much as her last one upon my first listen, but I promise the more you listen the more you will love it. I give it 3.5 out of 5 FRIENDS.


HIGH POINTS: I posted about "Major Minus" here and "Paradise" here and those continue to be two of my favorite songs. I also enjoy "Charlie Brown", "U.F.O.", "Up In Flames", "Don't Let It Break Your Heart", and "Up With the Birds".

LOW POINTS: I standy by my previous posts that "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" and "Princess of China" are the weakest points on this album. I also don't love "Hurt Like Heaven" but only because it makes me think I am listening to Phoenix. Coldplay, you don't need to be Phoenix- you guys are awesome on your own.

OVERALL: I'll admit, I was completely wrong about this album in the beginning. You can't judge a book by it's cover or, in this case, an album by a single. I actually really, really love this album as a whole and I was pleasantly surprised by that. I give it four out of five FRIENDS!

Stay tuned for more reviews!

Only on E!

It's kind of amazing that E! hasn't already developed a divorce special for Kim Kardashian, but if they did, I'm sure it would look a lot like the below.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


My own personal soul mate, Marcus Mumford, and his very small and hardly known band, Mumford & Sons, has debuted a new song in honor of my sweet Nuni's birthday. I always get excited anytime I see the words "new" and "Mumford" in the same sentence, but I can't decide how I feel about this one. I obviously do not hate it [I could never!], but for some reason I am not instantly drawn to it. However, I was wrong about the new Coldplay [more on that later], so perhaps I will be head over heels in love with this song after a few more listens.

I would also like to say, how awful is this DJ or whoever that is talking to them? Gross! I could've done a much better job [just ask JWoww or Snooki].

Filed Under: I Can't

Every now and again I come across a product that is so freaking ridiculous that I just have to share it.

Ladies, do you ever get penis envy? Maybe not in the traditional sense, but have you ever just wished that you could pee standing up? I am going to be honest here and say that having that ability would be incredibly convenient. I am also going to be honest and say that I would never use a "device" to assist me in this. If you find yourself disagreeing with me, then by all means, check out the P-Mate! For only $4.95 you too can piss like a man!

1. Simply pop open the P-Mate, move your underwear aside, and place the cupped opening against your body under the flow area between your legs.

2. Tilt hips so funnel faces slightly downwards. Relax and pee!

You can remove any drops left behind by slowly moving the P-mate to the front, and catching them with the back of the P-mate

If your problem is of the more lady like variety, say you're worried about your boots messing up your pedicure in the wintertime, we have a product for YOU as well. Obviously the solution here is to create a boot with a removable toe. Le Duh. Why didn't you think of that?

That's right ladies, Christmas is just around the corner, so get your Bootie Pies Here!

Bless It

Look at how purdy Adele looks on the cover of December's issue of Cosmo!

Meow! I don't always love animal print but she is totally rocking it here. Just cause you look great, doesn't mean I'm totally letting you off the hook. I'm Still Mad.


Monday, October 31, 2011


TMZ [among many others] is reporting this morning that Kim Kardashian will be filing for divorce from Kris Humphries after only 72 days of marriage. What the what??? 72 days is barely long enough to get all your stuff in the same house, have your first arguement or finish your thank you notes!

I smell a rat.

It was curious that they got married so quickly, but it seems to be the Kardashian way, so I didn't really question it. They seemed to be in love! And yeah, her family didn't totally adore him but it kind of seemed to me that they just didn't understand his sense of humor. On that note, Kris, I totally get your sense of humor, would totally let those adorable puppies sleep in my bed and would totally say yes to a $20million dollar ring. Jus sayin'.

Reports of a split have been swirling for a few weeks now, but Ryan Seacrest confirmed the news this morning when he tweeted:

Ryan Seacrest
Yes is filing for divorce this morning. I touched base with her, getting a statement in just a few mins

So what do you think? Is it over? Is it time to cry? If so, that sure seems like a waste of a $10million wedding!!!

Music Monday Continues...

Not necessarily Halloweenish but I find this album to be kind of creepy.