Monday, November 21, 2011

Filed Under: Yes, Yes, Yes

For some unknown reason, I do not have SNL scheduled to record on my DVR. I am one of approximately 10 people that still watch and enjoy it and every Monday I find myself smacking my forehead for missing another fabulous episode. This week featured another one of my celeb boyfriends, Jason Seigel [ I don't understand it either...] and the ever fabulous Florence + The Machine. Florence sang "Shake It Out" [which I did not post because it wasn't the strongest performance. Am I crazy, or was she flat almost the entire time] and "No Light, No Light" which are two of my favorite songs off of the new album.

I would like to mention, because it's what we do here, that Flo's fashion sense was SPOT.ON. for this show. I will take both of those dresses, please and thank you.

She also must have a pretty great sense of humor, because she participated in this highly ridiculous skit.

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