Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's that time of year again, ladies and gents. Thanksgiving is officially over [and what a delicious holiday it was!], everyone has hopefully started their Christmas shopping (if not for others, at least for themselves. Guilty as charged), and there's a chill in the air. I tend to be one of those obnoxious people that starts listening to Christmas Music the minute Halloween is over, but for some reason I just wasn't into it this year. Even Thanksgiving didn't really feel like the "holidays" to me, but yesterday I helped my mom get all of her Christmas decorations out and all it took was the twinkle of one set of Christmas lights and I was full of Christmas Cheer! I listened to Christmas tunes all the way back to Nashville and they have been entertaining me this morning as well.

Now, I don't always love Zoe Deschanel [unless it's on The New Girl], but I kind of enjoy the new She & Him Christmas album. There are a few duds, but there are also a few really great renditions on Christmas Classics. Take a listen below and check back later for more Christmas tunes [and some regular ole tunes for you Scrooges out there].

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