Thursday, November 10, 2011

CMA Awards Fashion Recap!

The CMA Awards aired last night on ABC and, if I do say so myself, it was very entertaining! Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood really do have some comic magic with one another and it seems like they get better and better every year with their hosting duties [either that, or they're getting better writers. Maybe its both!].

I am somewhat surprised to say that the fashion last night was pretty darn spot on! The hair is quite another story, but for the most part everyone looked phenominal.

One interesting exception......Laura Bell Bundy.

Now there is something interesting about this dress that I do enjoy, but the environment was not correct. This is the CMA Awards honey, not Water for Elephants nor Dancing with the Stars. I think that this dress could have been more of a hit if she had just let the skirt fall, but unfortunately, most of her poses looked like this
Laura Bell, this may be why your budding career has been reduced to appearing in car commercials. Just sayin'.

Carrie Underwood on the other hand was Stunning.
She had more outfit changes than I could even count last night, and with a few exceptions [that Britney Spears/Michael Jackson throwback outfit for example] all of her looks were gorgeous. I especially love this dress that she wore on the red carpet. The golds go perfectly with her hair and skin tones. Well done!

Now THIS is what a sharped dress man looks like!
Well done, Lionel Richie.

Faith Hill looked absolutely stunning, if not a little too thin. Perhaps her friend Gwyneth Paltrow is wearing off on her?

Now I'm not a huge Jennifer Nettles/ Sugarland fan, but I absolutely adore this dress that Jennifer wore on the red carpet was flawless. To be fair, it's totally my style and if I were ever in need of a formal dress, I would probably gravitate to something like this. She looks great in it!

Miranda Lambert looked gorgeous, and luckily, her red carpet dress seemed to fit better than the one she accepted her award in.

The guys and gal of Lady Antebellum looked phenomenal per usual. These guys get it right almost every time.

Ok, now. This is where the CMA fashion gets interesting. This is where the CMAs get interesting in general. The Band Perry. Frankly, I despise their song "If I Dye Young", but evidently CMA voters disagree with me. What we can probably all agree on is that these brothers need some HELP, specifically with the hair.
The one on the left actually looks pretty dapper from the neck down, but that MOP. I mean, does he not have a mirror? Can he not see that hair?? The girl is quite lovely and both of her dresses last night were out of the ballpark successes. The one on the far right needs new pants. And no, I do not know any of their names.

The ladies of Little Big Town look phenom. I absolutely love the beading on both of their dresses and they look absolutely stunning. Doesn't hurt that they have a Lionel Richie in between them.

Now, here's another place where hair comes into play. I dont have anything terrible to say about Nicole Kidman's dress, but I am absolutely despising her hair these days. To her credit, the color may be for a film role, but it's just too drab for her. She needs a richer red to brighten up her skin tone. The End.

I actually quite liked LeAnn Rimes hair, make up and dress, but I do dearly wish that she would eat more. She is adamant that she doesn't have an eating disorder and that may very well be true, but I wish she would recognize that this level of thin just isn't attractive. Put some meat on those bones sister!

And onto Taylor Swift......don't worry, I actually have nice things to say [for the most part]. I really, really like this dress on her. It is not flesh colored, it is not too young, but also not too matronly, and it isn't beaded [not that I'm mad at a beaded dress, and she can rock one like no other, I just like to see her mix it up!].
I will, however, hop on my soapbox once again about, you guessed it, her hair! What is with these people and their hair? She has a gorgeous head of signature curls, but this color is so, so boring. Not so long ago, she had a great golden blonde in her hair and it looked beautiful. If she wants to lean towards a slightly darker color, I fully support that and think she would be beautiful has a brunette, but even if she doesn't go that dark she has GOT to put some dimension in her hair.

If you were not able to watch the awards show last night, you'll just have to trust me that it was hilarious. Check out the video of the opening below and you'll get a little peek at what I mean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great observations and details! I loved reading this!