Monday, November 7, 2011

Music Monday: Album Review Continued


HIGH POINTS: Um, pretty much all of it. I enjoyed the last Florence album, but I rarely listened to it from top to bottom. This one, however, I simply cannot stop listening to. From "Shake It Out" to "Never Let Me Go" to "Spectrum", I love almost every single song and that my friends is rare.

LOW POINTS: This entire album is truly strong, but if I HAD to pick, my least favorites would probably be "Breaking Down", and maybe "Heartlines". Even though they are my lease faves, I still really, really like them!

OVERALL: Buy this album, Buy this album, Buy this album. I give it Five out of Five FRIENDS.


HIGH POINTS: Ladies and Gents, it has felt like one hot minute since we've had a new Ryan Adams album [even though it's really only been a year] and therefore it could've been an album full of crap and I probably still would've drank it up. I'm loving "Dirty Rain", "Ashes & Fire", "Come Home", "Lucky Now", and "I Love You But I Don't Know What To Say".

LOW POINTS: Much like with the new Florence albu, I pretty much enjoy this one top to bottom. If you skipped "Do I Wait" and "Kindness" it probably wouldn't kill you, but I don't recommend it.

OVERALL: I say buy it. I feel confident that if you are a Ryan Adams fan, you won't be disappointed [although its hard to tell with his followers]. I give it four and a half out of five FRIENDS.

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