Monday, November 7, 2011

Music Monday: Album Review

There has been SO MUCH new music in the past month that it has almost been hard to keep up! Let's review some of the top new releases below, shall we?


HIGH POINTS: When you release an album that is 17 tracks long, you are bound to have some fantabulous gems hidden in there somewhere. A few of my personal favorites are "Dark Side", "The War is Over", "Let Me Down", "You Can't Win", "The Sun Will Rise" and "Why Don't You Try". I am also pretty obsessed with Kelley's duet with Jason Aldean, "Don't You Wanna Stay". That is one solid song.

LOW POINTS: I'm a huge fan of Kelly, but there is definitely some cheesiness on this album. I initially turned my nose up at "Einstein" with lyrics like "Dumb plus Dumb equals you" [but I will admit that the song itself has grown on me]. You could also probably skip over "I Forgive You" and not miss it.

OVERALL: I did not love this album as much as her last one upon my first listen, but I promise the more you listen the more you will love it. I give it 3.5 out of 5 FRIENDS.


HIGH POINTS: I posted about "Major Minus" here and "Paradise" here and those continue to be two of my favorite songs. I also enjoy "Charlie Brown", "U.F.O.", "Up In Flames", "Don't Let It Break Your Heart", and "Up With the Birds".

LOW POINTS: I standy by my previous posts that "Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall" and "Princess of China" are the weakest points on this album. I also don't love "Hurt Like Heaven" but only because it makes me think I am listening to Phoenix. Coldplay, you don't need to be Phoenix- you guys are awesome on your own.

OVERALL: I'll admit, I was completely wrong about this album in the beginning. You can't judge a book by it's cover or, in this case, an album by a single. I actually really, really love this album as a whole and I was pleasantly surprised by that. I give it four out of five FRIENDS!

Stay tuned for more reviews!

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