Friday, December 9, 2011

Tori Tori Tori!

Can you believe it? Only 16 days til Christmas 22 til the end of 2011. On one hand it seems as though this year has flown by and on the other hand it seems like January was such a very long time ago.

All that to say, the year is winding down, I've got only 5 more working days until I get two blissful weeks of holiday vacation and that is why I've hardly been blogging. Just to clarify, I'm not so much busy as I'm just winding down and becoming extra lazy!

So anywho, since I didn't get enough time off at Thanksgiving, I decided to take a day off last week and head down to the DirtyDirty [aka Atlanta] with my best Nuni to catch one of his favorites, Tori Amos. I bought my first Tori Album, Little Earthquakes, when I was a senior in high school, mostly because my best friend Drew and I auditioned for the talent show with her song "Winter". I had kind of forgotten about her if you will until I met my Nuni a few years ago. Unlike me, he could quite possibly Tori's biggest fan on the face of the planet [in an adorable way]. Also unlike me, he had seen her in concert many a time, so he had some idea of what to expect. Now, I don't want to say that I was "nervous" per say, but when an artists biggest fan tells you the show is going to "change your life", its hard to tell whether you can believe them because, well, they're a little biased. In this particular case, he was not wrong.

Ok, well, it maybe didn't change my life, but it was phenomenal. Tori is on tour with just her fabulous old lady piano [her words, not mine] and a string quartet [two violins, a cello and a viola]. I was mesmerized from beginning to end, so much so that I literally peeled off all the nail polish on all ten fingers and didn't even realized I was doing it until the deed was done. If you haven't listened to Tori recently or at all, please do check her out, and if you like her but have never seen it, then trust me when I say that the cds don't even compare to a live show.

Check out some of my pictures below!

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