Monday, January 17, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again

Time when all of Hollywood comes together to see who can wear the most ridiculous outfits and who will repeatedly win the same award from ten different awards shows. Last night was the Golden Globe Awards with Ricky Gervais acting as a very funny host [although slightly mean at times] and I've included his opening monologue below for your enjoyment. [Shout out to Nuni, Laura and Lauren for letting me watch with you!]

While I thoroughly enjoyed the show, the fashion really left me wanting for more. It was as if everyone's stylists could only get dresses from 1998 or something. I've put fashions in a FAIL, MEH, & WIN format below. Let me know if you agree/disagree and why.


Ok, seriously, what is this dress?? First of all, it looks like its made out of dyed horse tail hair. WTF?? Second of all, she needs to take those big boobies and go home. This is the Golden Globes JJ, not the porn star awards. Just an all around bad choice.

Oh Natalie. Natalie, Natalie, Natalie. What has being pregnant done to your brain? You have made some very unfortunate fashion choices as of late. I don't even totally hate the cut of the dress- it's very appropriate for an emerging belly. But the color is fairly unfortunate and doesn't really work for you. And DON'T GET ME STARTED on that HIDEOUS RED ROSE. What in the frog riding on a snakes back is that mess?? It looks like such an afterthought that I'm left wondering if the pregnancy boobs ripped a hole in the dress and her stylist had to go down to the nearest Michaels Craft Store to grab an iron on meant for a pair of Wranglers to fix that mess! Well guess what guys? You did not fix it. You broke it. Here's hoping your Oscar choices are better.

I simply adore Julianne Moore, but this dress was atrocious.

I can't exactly put my finger on why I am so mad at this look, but I just don't like it. It makes her look substantially older than she actually is, especially the pin curled hair. With this being her first Golden Globes in quite sometime, you would think she would have gone for something a little sexier and dramatic. Snooze fest.

One of the trends that I specifically hated last night was the "my dress is the exact same color as my skin tone" trend. It made everyone look like they were naked, which is not my personal preference at an awards show [but call me crazy!]. Aside from the color issue, I don't hate this dress except for those God forsaken sleeeeeeeeves. Somewhere, a butterfly is in desperate need of its wings. Also, can we do something with the hair Scarlett? Some high lights maybe? Low lights even? It just looks so drab. I'm trying to cut her some slack since she is having a hard time in her personal life, but her fashion is usually pretty on point so I'm having a hard time being forgiving.

I'm sorry, is this Sandra Bullock or Bai Ling? I hope those bangs are for a role because they DO NOT WORK. I actually was pretty convinced at some point last night that she was wearing a wig because her hair just looked too weird. I don't actually hate this dress at all, but I think it's more appropriate for a private dinner than the Golden Globes.

Ok this is nothin but bedroom attire with a sheer curtain draped around the waist [or perhaps leftover wardrobe from Catwoman?]. I do, however, like the 1997 hair style. Hallie just knows how to rock that 'do!
Am I watching the Golden Globes or The Chronicles of Narnia because Jennifer Lopez totally looks like the ICE QUEEN. First of all, no to that hair and make up. You have DONE that look time and time and time again. Can we mix it up just a bit??? Second of all, no to that outfit. I think the dress on it's own might have been fine, but put those two piece together and you get a big fat FAIL from me.

Michelle Williams is another whom I simply adore. However.......what to say, what to say. Lets begin at the top. I love her with short hair. She pulls the pixie off better than most gals in Hollywood, but I will say this: STOP. It is short enough. You are one snip away from a buzz cut. Brighten the blonde and don't cut it ANYMORE. Ok, for the outfit. A 1972 Garden Party called and wants its attire back. I think this dress is fun and quirky, but for a family reunion, NOT the Golden Globes. Your stylist is fired.

Ok, I hated this dress when I first saw it, but I hate it even more when she shows the shoes. I'm pretty sure my friend Kristin wore the purple version of this dress to prom in high school [where it was adorable and an appropriate look. This is not prom and your shoes don't match. So there.
OH BOY. I've said it before and I'll say it again, divorce does NOT look good on Christina Aguilera. Here's what I dont understand- her body looks totally normal, but her face looks like its gained 3o pounds. What gives? This dress could've been a win if the entire skirt portion was loose and flowy like it is at the bottom OR if there was enough black lacedesign covering her legs so that it didn't look like she was nude save a glittery flower covering her Girlie.

Why was she even there? OK, ok, I know she was nominated, but my question still stands. I don't like any of this. the end.

I'm over these little teenaged pricks wearing sneakers to black tie events. We get it, you're young and quirky and couldn't give a rip, but just dress like a grown up for once. The fact that your voice hasn't fully changed is no excuse Beibs.


Yes, Carrie Underwood looks quite fabulous here, but the reason I gave it a "MEH" instead of a "WIN" is because WE HAVE SEEN THIS. I feel like she does this look a LOT. It may be that homegurl just goes to so many awards shows that it's hard for her to continue doing unique looks because she's tried everything in the book. I feel for you Carrie, I do. I'd just like to see something a little more original, that's all.

I don't hate this dress, but it's not super great on the red carpet and it definitely didn't show well on television. Another cute dress that would be nice at a private dinner, but it just didn't really work here.
Leah Michelle is actually wearing this dress very well, but i think my issue with it is two fold. 1) It's pink [that's a personal problem of mine, I know], and 2) I dont like the shoulder drape on her left arm. I think I'd prefer it if it were strapless. And maroon.

This is another look that I actually quite like and almost gave a WIN, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I know that Emma Stone's hair is blonde because of her role in Spiderman, but I haaaaaate it. It does absolutely nothing for her complexion or her overall look. That combined with a spray tan and a dress that matches the color of her skin [AGAIN] makes it just a bit awkward to me.
I actually really liked this look on television, but it looks MEH on the red carpet. In this pic, the dress looks like it's made of crushed velvet [although i don't believe it actually is]. Hair and makeup get two thumbs up though!

I like this, but it didn't knock it out of the ball park for me. I think if the dress had been a different material, then it would've been a home run.


I love Amy Adams and I love navy on the red carpet. This dress is chic but without being boring. My only complaint? More red in the hair! It's a bit drab.

Claire Danes needs to eat something, but this look is smashing from top to bottom!

This look is a WIN because it is so refreshing to see a 14 year old dress appropriately for her age. She looks adorable [and if you haven't seen True Grit yet then you MUST].

I struggled between scoring this a MEH or a WIN, but I ultimately went with the latter because the dress is unique, especially with what we saw last night. I didn't like her hair and the dress could use a slight hem, but I stand by my choice.

Not sure what this chicks name is cause I don't watch Mad Men [I know, I know...], but the Hunter Green knocked it out of the park! This color looks great on the red carpet and works beautifully with her hair and make up.

Loooooooooooooooooove this dress. If I were to miraculously be invited to an awards show, I think I would choose a dress like this. In white, it would also make a stellar wedding dress.
Well, well, well. Dumb Brittany from Glee had one of the best looks of the night. I love this dress and it looks smashing on her.

I've got no clue why Julianne Hough was there, but I surprised even myself by liking her outfit. It's a little left of center but very cohesive with her hair and make up. Go ahead and disagree. See if I care.

I really hate to do this, but I actually quite liked Angelina Jolie's dress [another Green win for the evening]. Moving on....

But the BEST Green look of the evening definitely goes to Mila Kunis. The color and the style of this dress are absolute perfection. I wouldn't change a thing!

Eva Longoria looked divine last night. Black sometimes looks boring on the red carpet, but she really pulled it off with this gown. Just don't trip on the way to the podium!

And our final WIN of the evening, a Rachel Zoe look no less, comes from Miss Anne Hathaway. I love this dress. Love love love. Her hair is boring, but the dress completely rocks.

And those are my 2011 Golden Globe fashion thoughts!

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