Monday, September 21, 2009

Let's Chat....

Guys. It's been far too long since we've had a talk. There are so many things going on in the world, so many issues for us to discuss, and today I think I've really picked a doosey of a topic, something that is applicable in all of our lives, something that effects each and everyone of us [probably on a weekly basis], and something that we ]maybe] need to put an end to. Ladies and Gentlemen I'm talking about...Drunk Texting.

Now, I personally don't know anyone who has a *cough* problem *cough* with this particular strand of technological disorders. *Cough**Cough**Cough*. Ok, who I am I kidding? I am the WORST when it comes to drunk texting. No, no, just drink texting. It really doesn't need to be qualified as drunk because one beverage and I'm already thinking about what I can get away with. Literally, folks, I am NOT to be trusted with telephones when there is alcohol around. And, not to drag you down with me, but I am one of MANY who have this very same problem. It leads me to question: What is the matter with us??

I happen to have specific mediums for specific people and one thing I know about myself is that I don't switch mediums. For example, when communicating with my friend Janeal [shout out!] while embibing, I will most likely call. Since I am in the habit of calling, it would be very rare for me to instead text. I suppose that this is a good thing for me to know about myself, but it's also slightly odd because it seems as though if I know this then I should be able to find a solution or stop it. Thus far, that has not been the case. The most creative solution I have heard thus far, though, is to put "persons of interest" in your phone under an alias that you can remember while sober but will have trouble finding while drinking. I haven't tried this method yet because I refuse to believe that I am to that point.

This is not a drinking issue since the problem can arise from anywhere between 1-15 drinks. I knew someone once that only had to be within eyesight of alcohol and felt compelled to drunk text. IT'S A PROBLEM. The other thing that I've noticed is that, for the most part, this is a disease that mostly affects the ladies. Hmmmm. Why do we think that is? I have a few theories on the matter that I'd like to share.

1) Men think all women are crazy. I know for a fact that this isn't true [please refer to a previous post]. I know lots of other girls that are frustrated by "the label we can't do anything about" and somehow.......we turn into what we hate when we are drinking? Is drunk texting the same as crazy texting?? I certainly hope not.

2) We dont feel comfortable talking about how we really feel when we're sober, but do when we've been drinking. I also don't particularly like this theory, but its very plausable. Now, I know for a fact that I have said things that I DEFINITELY didn't mean after a few bevies, but other times.......the truth often slips.

Those are only two of MANY ideas behind the drunk text. The next question is: how do we stop it? The most obvious answer is to stop drinking but we know this will never happen [be real people]. The second answer is to have a friend hold you accountable. This has been my best deterant. The third answer is actually a question: do we really want to? I don't want YOU to stop drunk texting ME. I love your drunk texts and calls and voicemails. They are some of my favorites. So maybe we don't stop it completely- we just tone it down a bit? Try to say what you mean while sober when it is guaranteed to come out better and perhaps then we are 89% closer to solving this epidemic.


Anonymous said...

The solution that I have used that worked for me was finding a friend (my best friendin the whole world) and told her that the next time I felt the urge to drunk text said person I shouldn't I texted her instead. It made me feel better and it had us talking more when we were drunk which... it's much more entertaining and funny to drunk text with your best firend than somebody you shouldn't be texting in the first place. It keep you out of trouble and you feel good about it that night AND the next morning :). For me the friend holding you accoutable didn't really work cuz my friend never knew if and when I was texting said person anyways... so text that BFF!!!

Lela said...

good idea!