Monday, September 14, 2009

VMA Recap.

Lawd. Lawd, lawd, lawd, lawd, lawd. The VMAs were a TRAIN. WRECK. And not the good kind of guilty pleasure train wreck, just a train wreck in general, and YET, I still couldn't bear to change the channel. From the beginning it was just........yeah.

So, everyone knows about the Kanye West debacle. Let me break it down from inside my head. So, ok, I didn't expect Taylor to win, I really, really didn't. I mean, homegurl is up against the likes of Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Lady GaGa [who I hate, but just wait for that rant]- I didn't feel like Taylor had a shot in hell. Clearly, I was wrong- and, can I just say that, while I'm happy for her that she won, the whole mouth open, in shock "Oh My God! Little Ole Me? Why I just can't believe I won" act is really getting old. And I really do think it's an act- it wasn't always, but it is now. You were just nominated for ENTERTAINER OF THE YEAR at the CMAs, and you can't believe that you won a MoonMan? While I see and completely agree that every award is a milestone, if you continue to act like you can't believe you're talented enough to win, nobody else is going to believe that you are talented enough to win either. So, continue to accept your awards in the gracious way that you do, but you are NOT NEW to this game anymore. You've got to stop acting so green.

Annnnywho, so Taylor wins and she starts her speech about how she's a country artist and so this really means so much to win a video award from a "pop" television station, etc etc, then all of a sudden, Kanye West is on the stage with his crazy ass hair, snatching the mi out of her hand and yelling that Beyonce should've won. WTF? I literally thought it was a joke. Everyone that I was watching it with was like "OMG!" and I was all like "Yooouuu guuuuuuuuys. It's a joke! Get it? It's funny because he freaked out last year at the European VMAs because he didn't win and he did this same thing! Kanye is making a funny! It's funny! It's a......wait. Oh no. No, no this is NOT a joke afterall".

And you know who I felt really bad for? Beyonce. Homegurl was NOT on board with this outburst and Kanye totally misrepresented her. And poor sweet Taylor looked like she was back in the halls of Hendersonville High being made fun of by the mean girls. She had not. a.clue what to do. That's a little something she could work on. Obviously, you're going to be a little shell shocked, but it would've really been great if she'd been able to roll with the punches a little bit, make a joke about what had just happened, or something. I'm not faulting her, I'm really not, I'm just saying that it would've made Kanye look like even MORE of an ass if she'd had some kind of comeback. What is WITH him?? I just want to shake his shoulders and tell him how much people would like him if he wasn't such a fucking douche all. the. time. 

Oh me. So that was really the all the dramz. Oh. Except for this. 


Oh, and this. 


Um, and this.


 Aaaaaand this. 


She pretty much ruins my life.

Oh, and then, Kings of Leon got completely ROBBED by Green Day. Uggggggh. Ok. People still like them. I get that, but I am NOT one of those people. But the fact is, they won last night because they've been around the longest and certain peeps regard them as "legends" [vom]- they didn't win b/c they deserved it. KOL was left out of a lot last night. MTV will regret.

Then, Pinks performance totally stole the show. It was AMAZING. Homegirl can perform AND sing- shocker!

and then Jay-Z and Alicia Keys totally redeemed the show [as much as it could be] and gave an awesome performance of "Empire State of Mind" which, if you couldn't tell from my earlier post today, I am OBSESSED with. Next single please. Radio needs you. Um, but there was this weird moment where Lil Mama jumped on stage. Er, me confrused. Where the eff was the security at last nights show??? No matter, I ain't mad at her- I prolly would've jumped on stage too!

Russell Brand......what can I say? I thought he looked damn hot, I couldn't understand a word of his zexy accent and he wasn't funny. He just wasn't. I think he's funny in real life, I think he's a great comedic actor, but he just shouldn't host awards shows. Not funny. No laughter. Sorry.

Then, Beyonce ended the show like a real class act and when she won Video of the Year she let Taylor Swift come out and give her acceptance speech. Loves.

And that's about it until next year when the VMAs will be a total snoozefest again unless Kanye creates drama. I'll see you all there.

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