Monday, September 21, 2009

Recaps, Recaps, Recaps!!

I am sooooooo beyond behind on my recaps. What is with me? I'm so off on my television schedule- its so unlike me.

I'll start with the season premiere of Gossip Girl because it happened the longest ago.

WARNING: Spoiler Alerts Abound.
So, evidently, Serena spent the entire summer trolling around Europe trying to connect with her father who she has seen since, I dunno, ages and ages ago? When she got totally rejected by him [awwww, thats truly sad. what a doodoo daddy] she went bat shit whore on the loose crazy. Evidently she slept with Cristiano Ronaldo [Dear Gossip Girl- that doesn't impress me. I doubt it impresses my peers either]. As a result of all of this, the paparazzi are following her around everywhere. Chuck and Blair are shockingly still together [and thank Jebus because i couldn't handle another SHOCKING TWIST there], but Blair is afraid that as they settle into the comfortableness of their relationship,their love life will fall flat. So she's come up with quite the "game" of Chuck pretending to cheat on her while she comes along, busts up the affair, humiliates the would be conquest, then hooks up with her boyfriend. Mmhmm. Dear Blair, if you have only been together for three months and you're already having to role play in order to keep it fresh.......why waste the time? I mean, I get that this is TV [ok, i kind of get that its TV], but yeeesh. Pull it together.

So then, blah blah blah, Vanessa is mad at Dan because now he's rich and he wears Ray Bans and rides around town in a limo. *Gasp*. Puh-lease. If one of my friends went from Rags to Riches I'd be like "Can I get a ride??" I'm not going to hate on you, just share your perks! Oh Vanessa...why are you so incredibly pointless to the show? I mean, you seem like a good hang at a Kings of Leon concert, but on Gossip Girl I could really do without you.

Oh! But in an interesting twist, the son of Rufus and Lily [who is slightly stalking the Humphrey/Van der Woodson clan] is dating Vanessa. Way to get in there buddy! I can't decide yet if his character [Scott- gross] is creepy or if his desire to connect with his blood is endearing. I suppose only time will tell.

In other snooze worthy news, Nate is dating a Capulet. Ok, not literally, but its a member of a rival family. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Nate, I like [d] ya, I really do [did], but you are on the Vanessa train right now. Try not to ride it out of the station.

Nothing super exciting happened, but I was happy with the episode. I like so far where the season is going. I just watched this weeks episode, but you're going to have to wait til tomorrow to read about my thoughts. Mwah ha ha ha ha haaaaa.

Oh my stars. I mean, Larry David can make me laugh like no other human alive. That man is so damn talented and funny. I can't handle it or describe it. Just watch the show.

Now, I love me some Jason Schwartzman, I really do. I have to admit, there were times yesterday when I was watching the show that I was thinking "Now is this actually funny, or am I biased because I like JS so much?". As it turns out, I don't care what the reason is, I absolutely loved the show. It's basically about this writer, Jonathan Ames, whose girlfriend has left him because he smokes too much pot and drinks too much [but he's down to white wine!]. He's working on his second novel, but things are going slowly, so he decides to moonlight as a private detective on Craigslist. The show basically revolves around cases that he takes on [in this episode it was The Case of the Missing Sister. Very intense.]. I think you should definitely check it out. Not convinced? Zach Galifianakis is in it. BAM! Now you wanna watch, dont you?

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