Friday, September 18, 2009


In honor of Flashback Friday, I am giving you one of the albums that was most influential to me in my middle school days [*cough* and now *cough*]. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you.....the Butterfly album from miss diva herself, Mariah Carey. Um, "Fourth of July", "Breakdown", "Babydoll" [aka the sexy times song], I mean, I could go on and on and on. Every single song on this album is a hit. Usually once my iPod hits "The Beautiful Ones" [the only one i couldn't find a full version of- if you've got the time, its definitely worth the click through] or "The Outside" it stays on repeat for awhile. It's been twelve years [DAYUM!] since this album came out, and I still can't get enough. [Sorry the lay out below is so trashy, but it is what it is]

Butterfly - Mariah Carey

My All - Mariah Carey

The Beautiful Ones (Featuring Dru Hill) - Mariah Carey (Featuring Dru Hill)

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