Thursday, September 10, 2009

Project Runway: Liveblogging

Alright, here we go. My first LiveBlog. Let's see how this goes. 

*Epperson kind of seems like a good guy. I kind of feel bad for him because he kind of came off as a douche last week, but then again Qristyl came off as a bitch so I guess they counteract each other.

* 13 women who need to be made happy and room full of gays. Somebody isn't going to get satisfied here.

*Hmmmm.....models as clients. Interesting....

*Please, please Logan- don't be gay. I love him.

* "It's like designing something for myself if I was a black girl". Hmmmmmmmm.

* Ruh-roh. Epperson's model is bossing him around too much. Homie is about to get pissed!!

* I love Shirin. I think she's smart and i think that she's going to go far in this competition. I'm excited to see what she makes today [think it'll be the jumpsuit???]

*How on earth do they ever find anything in Mood in half an hour? I could be in there for DAYS.

*Ohhh, sewing machine cam. Interesting angle [and by interesting I mean highly unattractive]

*Ok, is it just me, or does Nicolas seem like he has a little Coke Bloat going on? Just sayin!

*Yeah TikTok as the theme song. Get it Ke$ha.

*A "cigarette" jacket? What the what?  Althea, you crazy!

*Uh, Christopher, Christopher, Christopher. You are too much. YOUR look and the look of that dress. I can't handle it. I hope this event is on the Ranch because you're right, she WILL look like a salad. [see what i did there? ranch? salad? i crack myself up!]

*Logan is getting lots of air time this week! Ruh-roh- does that mean he's going to go home???

*Awwwww, Epperson is crying!!! That is so sad!

*Ruh roh, Qwrystal is starting over from scratch!!

*I'm seeing a lot of purple in this room, no?

*Christopher- Oh Lawd. I won't give final judgement until the end, but whoooo me, that dress seems like a lot.


*Logan+ Silver Chucks= be still my heart.

*I want Althea to make me an outfit- I think she's clever

* I almost forgot about Louise and how much she annoys me.

*Where oh Where is Michael Kors????

*Qristyl: BORING

*Nicolas: hmm, not bad actually. Pretty well done.

*Irina: I don't like it b/c it isn't my style, but it isn't a bad design

*Gordana: LOVE this dress

*Shirin: I think she could've done better, but I like it overall. 

*LOGAN: Oh Logan, I am not a fan of that fabric.

*CHRISTOPHER: noooooooooooooooooo

*Epperson: That dress is soooo 1994 "A Different World", right?

*Johnny: Hmmm, I hate that I kind of like this

*Althea: I'm sorry, I kind of like this. I'm a bit confused by the bottom, but i LOVE the rest

*Louise: Oooooh. Well done Louise. Me likey

*Ra'mon: I would never wear this but I really like it!

*Carol Hannah: No. Not for me. Not a bad design but not my fave.

The judges are saying that Carol Hannahs dress was beautifully executed. I do agree, but it's just not for me. I love the bottom of the dress, but I don't care for the top. I do love that she just called that judges y'all though. 

Oh no, I think I might have been right. The judges are NOT happy with Logans dress. They're calling it prom style, and they're totally right.

"Do you feel like you have the kitty cat inside of you?" Oh Heidi Klum, you slay me.

The judges enjoy Eppersons dress? Sure, it was a lot of hard work, but I just don't care for that dress. Maybe if it was in a different color I would like it more?? It just seems so drab to me.

Oh daaaaang, that chick just slayed Johnnys design and Heidi called it a bridesmaid dress. I kind of liked it, but I suppose it is nothing special really.

Qristyl might also be going home this week. I'd be surprised if she's not in the bottom two tonight.

Althea's model gots some pimples. Althea gots some pimples too! I love that the judges love her outfit- who was the other designer that was doggin on Althea? No ma'am to her!!

Qristyl [duh- please let her go home and not my Logie poo]

Althea [duh- me thinks she's going to win this weeks challenge]
Carol Hannah
Epperson [I mean, I think he has staying power, but I just do not get it with this dress]


If my hopes and dreams come true, Althea will win and Qristyl will go home. However, Logans dress was far uglier than Qristyls, but on the other hand, at least he took a chance and TRIED. Qristyl just got lazy really. What do you think???

Moment of Truth: Here we go.

Epperson: SAFE
Althea: WINNER [ding ding ding, i get two points!!]
Carol Hannah: SAFE
Johnny: SAFE
[um, ladies and gents, i totally called this bottom two]


I wish that you could put money down on Project Runway like you can on horseraces. I'd be a bagillionaire.

And so, ladies and gents, this concludes my first live blog. Let me know what you thought!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think you are witty and insightful, and i can't think of a better program to live blog than project runway. (also, i agree that logan is wicked hot, and when i watched this on DVR yesterday i totally called the winner, too. why isn't there a PR betting pool???)