Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Filed Under: Interesting

Does everyone remember earlier this year when John Travolta and Kelly Prestons son Jett tragically died while they were out of the country? And supposedly he passed away from complications of Kawasaki disease? And then how people tried to extort money from the Travolta's after Jett's death [which is completely disgusting in itself].

A trial is now being conducted surrounding the extortion and Travolta admitted in court last week that his son didn't have Kawasaki disease after all, but had been diagnosed with Autism. This is most interesting because Autism is not a disease that is recognized by the Church of Scientology [of which the Travolta's are members]. Since the disease isn't recognized, the medicines that can help control the disease are very frowned upon. Even epileptics in the COS are discouraged from taking their medicine and are nudged towards a more holistic approach instead. Now don't get me wrong, I think that whenever you can use natural remedies to cure what ails  you, then you absolutely should. But as far as I know, there are no "vitamins" that can control autism or epilepsy. 

The fact that these grown adults essentially denied their son proper medical care because a church that is based upon aliens [ALIENS!] told them to- gawd, I'm so mad. I'm actually angry over this. That is child neglect! It is not like their son had asthma, or gout, or something that is an "easy fix". Autism is a big deal. I'm sure that since John and Kelly are celebrities that they will be played as the victims in all of this, and, sure, they are. They lost their son, and you can tell that they are hard core grieving. But the fact that Jett might still be alive had he received proper medical attention doesn't escape me, nor should it anyone else. 

So People: Don't be afraid of Doctors. Don't Be Afraid To Treat Your Diseases. And Don't join the Church of Scientology.


Kat said...

hey Leann, I just stumbled on your blog from facebook and I'm a bit of a fan, lol. Let me just say if this was any other family DCS would be all up in their business. We've had issues with other religious sects, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, who wouldn't allow children to get blood transplants that were absolutely necessary to their child's survival. In just about every case they finally gave way though. It's ridiculous putting children at risk like that though.

Lela said...

You're so right, and it's really, really sad. Thanks for reading!