Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Liveblogging: One Hour Late

On this episode of LiveBlogging I give you: The Hills

* Awww I miss Laurens voice already

*Kristen Cavallari was Brody Jenners FIRST girlfriend? At what age, 22? Thats kind of weird right?

*KC slapped Lauren Conrad??? That's crazy!! No freakin wonder Lauren doesn't like her! ( I mean, aside from the rest of it.)

*"It's on Bitch" is the best title of this episode. Ever.

* I did NOT miss Spencer. Not a bit. Why do I watch this show?

* **Sidenote** These fuckers make like a hundred g's an episode. Just so you know

*I love that Brody just told his current girlfriend that she needs to "watch out" for his ex girlfriend. Classic.

*Dear MTV, no need to hide Kristins face. We know its her- we've seen your previews.

* I like Audrina's hair blonde, but I wish she'd quit trying to be me.

*I think that Jade is not pretty. I mean she's pretty, but in that "i was possibly made on a computer" kind of way.

* "As a friend, it's girl code"- didn't Audrina JUST say that Kristin wasn't her friend.

*I love that Stefanie just went over to tell Justin Bobby to say "hi" to Justin. Um, are we in middle school? Are you his mom? 

* I maybe, kind of just sided with Kristin in the "Kristin v. Stefanie Round 1" fight. Dammit.

* Do you think that Audrina is leaving The Hills because of Kristin? Interesssting.

* Why the HELL is Spencer wearing a cowboy hat? Ga-Ross. **Sidenote** Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if Spencer Pratt was on that stupid John Rich show Gone Country???? Bahahahah

*Ok, is this Stacie the bartender from last season?? Is she friends with everyone now? I remember that she was at Heidi and Spencer's wedding, but this is all just weird.

*Justin Bobby is like.a.child. A CHILD. But dang it, I am SO attracted to him.

* Do we think KC even knows anything about basketball???

* I DO think she knows a bit about how to lure a guy in. Good game, Kristin.

* "Her own ego is going to destroy herself". - Thank you Audrina

* Dear Audrina- Get over JB. Do it quick. This is annoying.

* JB and Kristin on a date.....interesting. Kristin sticking up for Audrina's feelings? Even more interesting.

* JB says he and Audrina were never exclusive. HE GAVE HER A PROMISE RING!!!!!!! How the hell is that not exclusive???

And that's it. Hmmmm. Do we think the JB/KC connection is legit, or something only set up by the Producers? Its just so dang hard to tell on this show.

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