Thursday, September 10, 2009

American Idol

Welp. Times are a changin'. If you haven't heard, Ellen DeGeneres will be taking the place of Paula Abdul on American Idol. Now, I initially misunderstood this to mean she would be a "guest" 4th Judge, much like they have been doing in the audition process, but IN FACT, she will be the actual 4th judge for the entire season. Hmmmm.

You might be wondering what I think about that- let me tell you.

I love Ellen. I think she's a very funny lady. I think that she has a nourturing spirit that is similar to what Paula "brought to the table" for the contestants. I think that she will definitely bring the laughs to the show. And I think that it's kind of ridiculous that she's the 4th Judge. Now, let me prefice this by saying that it's really neither here nor there to me who the judge is on AI because I'm not a regular watcher [you may remember a few recaps from last season- I only watched because a friend was on the show]. Ellen has zero musical background and I think that speaks volumes towards what the show is about- whatever it is, it's rarely musical talent. You've heard many others say it and I'll say it again- the Producers know from the get go who they want and they always find a way to get who they want to the end. I'm not fully convinced that the person they "want" always wins, but I also think that's intentional and a little bit brilliant. So, having a judge with no music experience doesn't really matter for the final product of the season. But, reaaalllly AI?? You're not even going to TRY to get someone with a pinch more legitimacy in the music industry?

I suppose that I should be thankful that it isn't Perez Hilton.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Yes. Be thankful it isn't Perez Hilton. I would boycot! Yuck!

I will say this about Ellen. She guest judged on So You Think You Can Dance last season which she also has absolutely no crediblity to do and she did ok - she was hilarious as one would think - and she gave a point of view that was different from the other "educated" judges.

Basically - she speaks for the public. B/c let's be honest - most people who watch AI and vote - are uneducated musically and don't know what's good and what's not. Maybe now - since she's their 'voice' we won't be so confused when someone like Sanjaya makes it as far as he did.