Tuesday, September 15, 2009

But Is It Sincere?

So Kanye was all crying and sorry on Jay Lenos premiere last night about the way that he treated Taylor Swift. Um, I'm confused. Who is this man?? Kanye, do you mean to tell me that at NO point prior to you jumping on stage did you consider that you would be ruining Taylors moment? You lie. YOU LIE SIR! It's almost like Kanye has multiple personalities or something- Kanye the Douchebag and Kayne I'mSowry. We see far more of the former, but I've got to be honest, I'm more mad at him now that he's trying to apologize. I think if he had stuck to his guns and just been an ass that everyone would just kind of be like "Oh that's just Kanye being a douchebag" but now the fact that he's backpeddling upsets me even more. Lesson learned Kanye: Don't talk a lot of shit unless you can back it up.

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