Monday, June 29, 2009

Let's Chat...

I had the most glorious Saturday of laziness this weekend. I began the day laying out/ swimming with a few of my girlfriends [ how very Southern of me, right? Don't worry, I had on SPF 50. No Cancer for this girl.]. Laying out is, without a doubt, a most interesting time for groups of girls because there is an openness that can really only be equated to having had a few alcoholic beverages. It's like a slumber party- we share! As usual, the conversation started out with us talking about boys, then moved to the topic of poo, and at some point we landed on the subject of crazy girls. They are the worst. The reason they are the worst is because they are not a rare phenomenon and every.single. guy knows one. And, undoubtedly, they royally screwed over more than one beau, which leads each and every guy that has been scorned to come to the conclusion that "All Girls Are Crazy".

How Rude.

I take personal offense to this because, I am NOT a crazy girl. I have known a lot of them, personally and from afar, and I can say with absolute confidence that I am not like them. In fact, those who know me know that more often than not I have more of a guys mentality towards relationships than any girl they've ever known [that in itself might be crazy- its a whole other topic for a whole other post ].

The problem is that some guys have a certain taste in women: vapid, huge boobs, petite, you get the picture. And I have nothing against these girls- they are often the sweetest! But when you keep picking what you've been picking, you're going to keep getting what you've been getting. Also, "crazy" is such a relative term. What is crazy? Because, in my experience, the minute you start doing anything that a guy doesn't like, you're crazy. Oh, I haven't seen you in 5 days because you've been hanging with the boys, and thats great, but I'd really like to see you tonight. Crazy. Instantly. I can hear it now. "She won't even let me have a guys night. She's really starting to be crazy." Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Additionally, you should take care to not piss off the normal girls. Normal girls know what crazy girls are like, and we don't take kindly to being lumped in the same category as them. I guarantee you that a normal girl is going to get some level of upset if you call her crazy [at which point you will feel that your name calling has been validated- well done].

In the crazy girls defense, many of them are crazy because some guy has been a total asshole to them and has royally messed up their views on men and how they should handle situations. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say that all guys are assholes, because I know for a fact that it just isn't true. But I also know that when guys treat girls like trash, they are likely to repeat certain situations in their next relationship, hence giving them the title "crazy".

I think the moral of the story is this: Don't make assumptions about anyone. Ever. Girls, don't automatically call a guy an asshole if he does one thing you don't like. Guys, don't assume a girl is crazy if she does something you don't like. Let's all just be a little nicer to each other, and maybe it will make all relationships [and endings of] just a little bit easier.

Your Friend Lela

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