Thursday, June 18, 2009

If It's From Then It Must Be Good

As you all know, I am terribly distraught by the recent seperation of Kelis and Nas- who will be the reigning couple of Hip Hop now [and you better NOT say Beyonce and Jay Z. As if.]. Things got reeeally interesting recently when Kelis said that she is broke and needs Nas to pay for EVERYTHING. Ok, fairs fair, if you're gonna go halfs on a baby, then each person needs to help provide for the child. Child support is in order and I can maybe see alimony [although Kelis cheated on him so that part is kind of fishy].

However, Kelis is asking for $20000 a month. A MONTH. In CHILD SUPPORT.That is $240k a YEAR. That is NUTBALLS!!!! Kelis says this will cover expenses for a nanny [$3500 a month], a baby nurse, strollers, cribs and other baby supplies.

Ho-k. Two things.
1) I used to be a nanny. Granted, I made more more doing that than I do now at my "Big Girl Job", but I sho as hell didn't make $3500 a month! You have GOT to be joking with that. I also happen to know that you don't need a nanny, a baby nurse, and a mother [unless the mother doesn't intend to handle the baby at all- AHMMMM *cough* Kelis *cough*].
2) I don't happen to have a baby myself, but I have lots of friends who do. I have purchased a few baby supplies in my time and can say with absolute confidence that cribs, strollers, and diapers DO NOT cost $20,000 a month.

I'm not trying to hate on the Boss Bitch, Lawd knows I love her, but she is trying to take Nas for a ride and that shit just ain't right.

Ok. I'm done. I swear.

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