Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What The Fug?

Oooooook. Um, I don't get it. Cropped tuxedo pants? I mean, if you're gonna go like a dude, go all out. Don't half ass it RiRi. Get socks and dress shoes and regular length pants- no heels allowed! I get that she is trying to be fashion forward but this just.......isn't. I am so over Rihanna. I'm over the hair, I'm over the voice, I'm over it all.

But Rihanna's outfit does not even COMPARE to this little gem of an outfit. Please tell me it was Kabbalah halloween again and Madge is trying to dress like her daughter Lourdes. I dont know whether I should start at the top or the bottom..............let's go with the top. So, around 4 pm, little David Banda and little Rocco decided that THEY wanted to do mommys hair for the event. In order to look good in front of the Malwaian courts so they will give her dat other little bebe [who she will certainly hire anothe nanny to raise] Madonna said YES! Do Mommys hair! to which the boys responded "You're not our mommy.......". The dress is about a centimeter from showing us Madge's Vadge. That is something that is NOT on my bucket list. And the shoes (?). I can't even handle those. They look like something a cartoon character would wear. I'm so bored with this outfit.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

the cropped pants don't bother me as much as those crazy shoulders!!