Monday, May 18, 2009


Hi Friends. Welcome to another Manic Music Monday.

First, our weekend recap. don't you just love how weekends in the spring and summer are rarely anything BUT awesome. You don't have to do much but they somehow just seem flawless. On Friday night, I went and had some free crawfish and listened to some terrible music with some really fun people. We then proceeded to head to the coolest new hangout in Nashville, Patterson House, and have some snackies and a drink. Saturday morning I was running around getting a wedding present for my friends Chris and Jamie who got married on Saturday [congrats!] but I unfortunately missed the wedding due to a torrential rainfall that almost caused my apartment to flood! GRRRR. My favorite Sarah was in town this weekend and we all had a blast hanging out playing games and just laughing a LOT on Saturday night. Sunday was church and hanging with KrisKris, then a lovely little cookout at the Lauderdale house last night. Overall, I give this weekend an A++. This weekend is Memorial Day- HOLLER!!!!

Let's get the Music Ball rolling with a little band I like to call Parachute. Hope your Monday is great!!

She is Love - parachute

Under Control - parachute

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