Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Miss California

I have lightly addressed on the Miss California situation before, but it continues to grow in ridiculous ways and it needs to be addressed again.

Here is the situation: whether you agree with Miss California's opinion on gay marriage or not [she happens to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and should be kept that way] she has the RIGHT to her own opinion. 

America seems to be progessing on the view of gay marriage with more and more people being for it and more and more states passing laws to allow it, but there are still some who don't agree with it for whatever reason and that is OK. One of the greatest things about America is that we have the freedom of choice and the freedom of speech and, honestly, these freedoms are being taken away from Miss California because she is being attacked for her opinion!

Perez Hilton has started a personal campaign of attack of this girl, and to be honest, while I dont agree with her opinion 100%, I feel sorry for her! What's happening to her is NOT right. If a gay individual with incredible amounts of media attention had not asked her the question about gay marriage and not been so offended by her disagreement with his own opinion, I really feel like this would be a non issue. But instead, per his usual MO, someone disagreed with him and so he felt like he needed to completely bring her down. They have even been talking about taking away her title as Miss California- you have got to be kidding me!

Perez has a terrible habit of preaching tolerance and acceptance, but the moment someone disagrees with HIS opinion, they are wrong and should essentially be stoned to death. It bothers me that someone who spreads so much venom in the media about so many different people is respected as a blogger. I agree that the world needs to be a bit more tolerant, but that includes people being tolerant of Christians even when they may not agree with them.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

The thing that makes me so angry is that they are threatening to take her crown away b/c as Miss California she's not supposed to give HER opinion on anything. She's supposed to be a role model for everyone. But I can guarandamntee you that had she AGREED with Perez none of this would be happening. And they wouldn't be taking her crown away for giving her opinion then.