Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday Part TWO

The Hills. The Hills, The Hills, The Hills.

Oh my. This show is grasping. I see what they're doing, I really do. Lauren is leaving the show after the season and everyone knows it, so they are trying to include everyone else in major drama and major storylines so that there will be something left for us to watch next season. Dear MTV. It isn't working. Let it go.

This recap is probably going to be pretty short because I gave not one, but TWO, real life recaps yesterday, and those always take a lot out of me. Here it goes.

Lauren was doing a huge o photo shoot basically by herself. She was nervous. The day before, she and dumb dumb Stephanie Pratt were steaming clothes and packing them up, etc etc. Stef explains to Laur that she thinks she should take a break from work and go on a man hunt. Lauren tells her to get her head out of her ass and grow the fuck up. Ok, she didn't really, what she really said was something like "The man hunt sounds like fun, but I dont think you should take a break from work" but what I heard was " Get your head out of your ass and grow the fuck up!".

But, alas, Stephanie did not grow the fuck up. She did not finish steaming the clothes and she did not finish packing them, therefore, when Lauren got to the shoot the main shizz that she needed was missing. So she calls Stef. The conversation went a little something like this:

LC: Stephanie there are things missing
Stef: Wha??
LC: The things you were supposed to pack yesterday, they are missing
Stef: Whaaaaaa?? I remember steeeeeeeeaming theeeeeeem
LC: Well they aren't here. 
Stef: At least you have the other stuff right?
LC: No! The photographer only wants to shoot those things. I need you to bring them to me
Stef: Oh I'm on my lunch break. With a boy. We're gonna dooooo it.
LC: Click.

So the next day, Lauren is typing VERY loudly and Stephanie is trying to apologize when in walks Kelly Catrone, dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN.

Stephanie is all like "Hi Kelly!" and KC looks at her with her dead eyes and says "You seem happy. I am NOT happy." and calls Lauren into her office. She proceeds to tell Lauren that she hasn't had a lunch break in 5 years and that any fashionista serious about her career would leave a proposal to fix her mistake! This happens to be true, and the way she said it was hilarious: "Nice ring, gotta go". haha! Oh KC, I kind of want to be you. She then tells Lauren that she must fire Stephanie and that she must do it by the end of the week- make it quick!

Lauren tries to act surprised, but she totally knew- that bitch is D-U-M-M, dumb! And, frankly, she should've tossed Stephanie right under the bus with Kelly, but she didn't, and she's getting fired anyway! Let this be a lesson to you all: always, ALWAYS throw your stupid friends under the bus.

There was some other stuff that happened in this episode but it was all stupid. Tune in next week to watch Stephanie get fired!!

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