Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Southern Hospitality

I have this question that lingers in my mind and every now and again it pops up and I can't find an answer for it- whatever happened to the Southern Gentleman? It's not that the good manners are necessarily gone, or the respect for women is necessarily gone [is it?], but the overall idea seems to be diminishing. Let me explain...

I have gorgeous friends. Beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because they are my friends, they are all just truly good looking [why i hang out with them I have no idea- it fully explains why I dont go on dates! ;)]. But almost none of them have boyfriends and rarely to never get asked out. What gives? It's not that they don't ever get any attention from guys when we go out, but it's usually a cheesy line or occasionally a drink bought and even more rarely some light conversation, but never ever asked out on a date. We are talking about classy, well put together, gorgeous ladies. The only men who have the balls to do any of the aforementioned things are usually either 1) Too old and too scummy or 2) Hammered out of their minds. 

When did the art of a guy asking a girl out become extinct? We are in a day and age where a certain "equality" exists between men and women [except in work place salaries- thats a whole other post] and while this is a great thing, it doesn't mean the men have to stop being men! There ARE girls in the world who are not afraid to ask guys out, not afraid to make the first move, not afraid to initiate a DTR and that is FABULOUS, but the rest of us still like a little tradition! And just a little tip, if a girl is going to ask you out, she'll do it- don't sit around waiting for her to make the move. If you want to take her out, just ask her! You are not allowed to be afraid of rejection- that's our job. God gave you a pair of balls for a reason so use them! And here's an extra tip: Don't write silly pick up lines on sugar packets [ex: "If you were a booger I'd pick you"]. I guarantee you it won't work.

If you're out at a bar, buying a drink is a good first step, and casual conversation is a good second. Be casual. Don't be pushy. Overly pushy guys at bars get kind of creepy because it gives off the appearance that you just want to take us home for the night, and we are NOT that kind of girl. But don't be afraid. We are all eagerly awaiting the return of the Southern Gentleman.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

a man in a cowboy hat opened the door for me the other day and called me ma'am. if he hadn't been 40+ years old i probably would have jumped him right there.