Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh My Glee!

I realized something about myself last night that I have not acknowledged in a very long time. I am [sometimes] kind of a nerd. I came to this realization when I found myself smiling throughout the entire episode of Glee. If you were in a Glee Club or A Cappella choir in high school or college, this show is for YOU. Granted, I was in neither, but I was in the band and as far as nerd equivalents go, it's about the same [I must insert though that I was NOT a band dork. Swear it.].

I'm not sure why I enjoyed this show so much, but I think it had something to do with the fact that it was slightly cheesy, but in a very clever way. It's like High School Musical for grownups [or kind of grown ups]. It was funny and completely nerdtastic because of the musical additions. It made me happy, but also sad because the series doesn't actually start until Fall. I couldn't find an actual clip besides the trailer [which I posted awhile back], but the full arrangement of Don't Stop Believin' is below. Enjoy!

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