Wednesday, May 20, 2009

American I DOnt Like adam lambert (see what I did there?)

I haven't really blogged about American Idol since Ricky Braddy was kicked off [mistake producers....that's right, I'm onto you], but I happened to see the end of last nights FINAL PERFORMANCE episode, and I felt compelled to talk about it.

You see, all of America thinks that Adam Lambert will win tonight, and they are probably right. But the only reason he will win is because the producers and judges have spoon fed him to everyone and, just like we do, we've eaten it up without a second thought. Yes, Adam is different. Yes, Adam is edgy. Yes, it would be very progressive of America to crown their first "Gay Idol". But as we are constantly being told by Simon, this is a talent competition, not a forum to show the rest of the world that America is in fact on board with gay issues. And when you bring it down to that, Chris Allen is a more talented singer than Adam Lambert. Period. 

Now, now, I know this will upset some. I'm not saying that Adam doesn't deserve a record deal, or that Adam couldn't make great music. I'm judgingg strictly on vocals here. As far as entertainment goes, oh yes, Adam is probably a far better entertainer, but Chris has the vocals down. I rarely go to a concert because the person will be dressed in a crazily fashion forward and be wearing eyeliner an do crazy fun things on the stage. I go to shows [or buy cds] because the music is good.

That being said, the "original" song that the guys were given to sing last night was shit. Simply laughable, and it just so happens that the song was written by AI's own Kara Dioguardi [who happens to be an amazing songwriter, just kind of missed the mark on this one]. The guys did the best with what they had, and they were both great, but I just felt that Chris pulled it out a little better than Adam [which is funny, because the judges said the opposite. It's because they know what the producers know, and that is that Adam will win no matter how America votes]. Granted, I did not see their other performances, only the original song. 

I tried finding video of the performances to post, but I had a hard time finding it. Evidently they dont want us evaluating it too much ;). If you saw the show, tell me, who did you think did the best, who do you WANT to win, and who do you think WILL win?

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I think Kris did better last night. I think Kris should win. And I think he WILL win. I'm expecting an upset and I can't wait for it. Adam is just ridiculous. Sure he sings well but I do not like him AT ALL. And most people I know who know anything about music agree. He needs to stick his tongue back in his mouth and go back to Wicked. Kris Allen would have gotten my vote (if I voted) and he will get my $.