Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trashy TV: Monday-Friday

My life is over. Not only is there no sunshine, but last night was the season finale of The Real Housewives of New York. I have to tell you, I am so obsessed with this show that in the middle of my Cinco de Mayo party last night, I plopped myself down in my recliner and turned on the finale. People will try to tell you that they didn't want to watch it with me, but oh they did. And they loved every minute of it. 

Unfortunately, there were a few parts that I missed, so this recap might have a few holes in it.

Last night's episode was based around the charity even that Jill has been planning all season long. All the housey wives were doing their best to chip in and help sell tickets and get sponsers and lah di dah di dah. THEN Ramona and Jill got in a fight. About something. I'm not sure what. But I feel like you have to be pretty brazen to pick a fight with a hostess, at her house, at a CHARITY meeting. More and more and more I am convinced that Ramona is on D-R-U-G-S, drugs. The woman is uncontrollable and, most of the time, has vomit of the mouth. And, most of the time, I love it. The show just wouldn't be the same without her. 

So, the meetings over, blah blah blah, Jill and Kelly [vom in my mouth] go to see a jeweler who is an older jewish woman who hits in Jill the whole time they are there. Pointless to the episode, but oh so hilarious. 

So then, it's the day of the charity event, everyone is bustling about at the venue trying to get everything all set up and prepared when all of a sudden, dun dun DUUUUUN, we find ourselves at the bar. The bar that Bethenny worked to get a sponsorship for, ie FREE liquor, obviously wanted to put their logo up because, hey, you're getting drunk and we are paying for it. So their logo was pretty much everywhere behind the bar and Bethenny's skinny girl logo was also there [why, I'm not clear on, but I'm assuming that they were serving Skinny Girl drinks with the free liquor]. Anywho, so Jill gets pissed off that Bethenny didn't tell her that there was this opportunity for sponsorship and she could've sold some of these behind the bar spots to other people etc etc, Bethenny lied to her, etc etc, and take this shit down. Ramona's eyes shook from side to side and then up and down, almost like a mini seizure, and then she agreed with Jill.

So, the party has arrived, all of the housewives are there and they all look faaaaaabulous darling. LuAnn is there with the count who she bosses around like a 2 year old [no wonder their marriage fell apart. Jon and Kate are you listening?] who she told "Look at the man who is taking the picture, my love". First of all, the man is in his 50s. Pretty sure he knows how to take a picture, LuAnn. Second, if anyone called me "my love" i'd punch them in the face.

So, Bethenny gets there, goes gah gah over how good her logo looks and then flips her shit because the signage was taken down from behind the bar. I'm not totally positive what the big deal about it was, but evidently it was a huge then because Bethenny and Jill GET.INTO.IT. And they are like BFF. 

But after they dropped the A-bomb they hugged and made up and everyone was happy and the charity party was a success. And then the episode was over. And I was sad. 


On the bright side, we now have the reunion episode to look forward to [previews below!] AND this means that The Real Housewives of New Jersey starts soon. So, I guess life isn't a total bust. 

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