Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It's finally happened. The worlds second loneliest spinster has FINALLY gotten engaged. If it can happen for this old hag, then surely it will happen for me too!

My 4th favorite Kardashian, Kim [ just in case you wondering, in descending order my favorites are: Khloe as first favorite, then Kourtney, then Robert] recently got engaged to a guy who not only has the same name as her mother, but also spells it the exact same way. Just for the record, if you have the same name as my dad, brother, or mother [which would be super weird in my case], we are definitely NOT going date. Things would definitely get super weird in the bedroom and that is not a place that I want to go [i'm just sayin!].

Kim and Kris announced their engagement today, not in the old fashioned way via Facebook or Twitter, but on a magazine cover. Hope they already told all of their friends and family!

Can we all pause for a moment and take a look at that 20.5 carat ring? Holly Wowzas! I'm not sure if she was in competition with Khloe [who's ring is also ginormous], but if so, I think she may have won. TMZ reports that the Lorraine Schwartz design is estimated to be worth 2 million dollars. TWO MILLION? Can we just discuss how unsafe that is?? What if you get mugged, or lose it, or get carpel tunnel from wearing it every day? I think this could be a bad life choice but hey, I wouldn't have said no to that sucker either!

I feel bad for Scott Disick that not only is he the douchiest Kardashian significant other, but he is also the least athletic and the poorest. Maybe one of Kourtney's sisters can hook her up with an NBA Baller [and if she doesn't want them, kindly pass them along to me!]

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