Monday, May 2, 2011


While enjoying my two for one Sunday night beers last night, the unthinkable happened: Osama bin Laden was pronounced dead. It is no exaggeration when I say that the entire restaurant stopped what they were doing and put their entire attention on President Obama as he gave a stirring announcement of what American troops had accomplished. I couldn't help but have the same feeling that I have had only a few times in my short life: We are experiencing history.

It has been nearly ten years since the day of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, since America pulled together in a united front that I hadn't seen before or since in my lifetime, and since we began the "War on Terror" that has had seemingly few victories. It had been so long since the name Osama bin Laden had entered my thought process or left my mouth that I had almost forgotten the name and the meaning of it altogether.

While certainly his death is a victory for American Troops and represents justice [ and hopefully some amount of closure] for the families who lost loved ones during the attacks and in the subsequent war, it is certainly not the end of Al Qaeda's reign of terror. In fact, we have probably poked a sleeping bear who will most likely seek swift and frightening vengeance for Osama's death. Despite this fact, we as Americans can rest assured that our President is capable to defend us, our Troops are capable to defend us [and we thank them for being willing to do so], that our God is capable to defend us, and that no matter what, the United States will overcome and prevail.

I congratulate our President, the President before him, and our Armed Forces for their victory in Pakistan. May we never forget those who have fallen at the hand of that evil man, and may we never cease our prayers of protection for all who continue to lead and serve our country.

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