Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Obsession of the Day

I am a huge water drinker. I occasionally partake in other beverages [Sun Drop anyone?], but I try to stick to water at least until have had my work out for the day. That's all well and good, but sometimes trying to suck down 2 liters of plain ole water just isn't easy. That's where my obsession of the day comes in.
SoBe Life Water, the zero calorie just as good as water flavored water. Now, if you happen to be on a serious diet or restriction plan, I will mention that there are 6g of Carbs and 25mg of Sodium, but neither of those things are enough to deter me. I used to be a huge fan of VitaminWater, and I still drink it, but SoBe has way, way, WAY better flavors. There have been one too many times that I have wanted to simply spit out my VitaminWater because it was too gross for words. The Yumberry Pomegranate is probably my favorite flavor, but I'm currently sipping on the Black and Blueberry and I coudn't be happier.

I don't recommend fully replacing water with flavored waters, but its just a nice way to mix it up every now and again.

Have one and enjoy!
Your Friend Lela

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