Monday, May 16, 2011


Here, there, everyhair, everywhere you look these days celebs are doing crazy things with their hair. Some of the risk takers end up looking amazing while some of them just end up looking......well, crazy.

Case in point:
Christina Weaveuilera

What is going on with homegirls weave? That is a disaster of Britney proportions right there! Perhaps the terrible hair was an attempt to distract everyone from her almost makeup-less face? She is actually very pretty without painting her face and it seems to me that she should try it more often, but it is kind of amazing how big of a difference it makes in her appearance.

And then there's this shadoobie mess.

What in the GD what??? Who, what, why, where and how the fuck did she convince someone to do this to her? Evidently, The Little Mermaid is from Barbados [which I guess explains this].

Speaking of The Little Mermaid....

Ole Haggard Ass Lively has not only dyed her hair red, but she has taken to wear turqoise dresses in the style of everyones favorite mermaid. What are these girls doing to themselves?? Granted, Blake's red hue is much more flattering and realistic than Rihanna's, but I'm still not a huge fan. Here's hoping it is for a role and isn't permanant!

Lets not leave out the fellas....

What, what, WHAT is Tom Brady doing with his hair? I'm not so much mad that its longer- that part doesn't bother me as much as the fact that it is GREASY and curls around his ear. Ew, Ew, Ew. You need to cut that shizz son!

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