Monday, May 2, 2011

Humor Does Not Have a Political Party

And Donald Trump does not have humor. Ok, maybe he does, but in the clip below he doesn't seem to be laughing. Then again, if I were the butt of the Presidents jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner, I would probably have a hard time laughing too.

In all seriousness, the Republican party needs to get it together. If Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are the best things that they have to offer the 2012 Election, then they might as well just hand it over now. In my humble opinion, there are many excellent Republican leaders that could be great candidates for the White House, and neither of these two people are it! I think that the whole "birth certificate" debate was really a cry of racism with a very transparent cover. Never in the history of the presidency has anyone been asked to show their birth certificate [although, it really might not hurt to imply that as a general rule] until we have our first black president. That doesn't strike me as a coincidence to be honest. There are many bigger issues at hand that can hopefully be addressed and handled now that this is out of the way. I'm off on a bit of a tangent right now, so I'll go ahead and wrap this up. My overall point is- Trump got ZINGED!

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