Monday, May 23, 2011

Billboard Music Awards: The Fashion

This post will be slightly more abbreviated than my previous fashion posts, mostly because there are fewer pictures from the red carpet.

I feel the need to start with Taylor Swift....
I don't want people to think that I am constantly picking on her, but gee whiz, it's just so easy sometimes. I have to say that this dress is phenominal, and she looks really great, but this is the Billboard Music Awards, not the Oscars. Lighten up a bit! Unclench that ass and have a little fun! She's got legs a mile long and this would've been the perfect opportunity for her to showcase them in a sassy mini dress [ like this one or this one.]

Fergie's outfit is kind of dominatrix...
but its FUN. That is what this awards show is about. Don't those shoes look dangerous?

Rihanna looks to have either dropped her extensions or changed her wig, but either way she looks PHENOMINAL.
This look is fresh and sophisticated, but also young enough that she rocks it hard. Well done sista!

And then there was Selena Gomez....
I appreciate the fact that she might have missed her senior prom, but that doesn't mean she should wear her prom/ pageant dress to the Billboard Awards. I am not a fan of this look at ALL. No thanks, Selena. Also, not that sweet little gomez was ever anything more than tiny, but is she skinnier than usual. Has she lost the mythical "baby fat"? She seems ultra skinny and adult looking. She looks super gorgeous, I just happen to hate the dress [and the shoes. They scream, "There's no place like Payless!"].

Now, here's my gal Ke$ha...
I completely appreciate that she went out of her personal box for this red carpet and did something different and more "red carpety". I don't especially love the long tuille on the short dress, but I actually happen to like the dress portion [which is saying a lot considering I usually despise cut out dresses- see above]. Lookin hawt sista!

Nicki Minaj is a crazy biotch, but in a more relate-able way than Lady Gaga. I love her and her craziness. I'm even considering dying my hair pink [no I'm not].
There no way this ass is real, right? RIGHT?

While not exactly relevant, Kelly Rowland sure is smokin!

Lady Antebellum look really sassy and are having FUN with their look. See guys, its all about the F word. Fun, Fun, Fun.

And that concludes our very short red carpet recap from the Billboard Music Awards. Agree? Disagree? Share your thoughts!

Your Friend Lela

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