Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Obsession of the Day

I absolutely adore reading. When I was a kid, I couldn't wait for summertime to roll around so that I could sign up for the summer reading program at our local library. To be frank, I was a badass at reading. To this day, nothing gives me joy like buying a new book [or 5], but I just dont have the free time to read like I used to. That's why I love holidays. Over the Christmas holiday, I literally read a book in mere hours.

Yesterday, I took full advantage of the holiday, marched right out and bought myself a new book with crisp, never turned pages. My drug of choice? "Bossypants" by Tina Fey.

While I did not impressively read it all in one day [I was too busy drinking mojitos-Spurgie shoutout!], I did frequently laugh out loud at her anecdotes [luckily there were only four legged furry animals around to judge me harshly]. Despite the fact that I haven't made it to the end [which I plan on doing tonight], I am already giving this book the Your Friend Lela stamp of approval. If you love to read and laugh [and who doesn't?], go out and purchase it asap!

Your Friend Lela

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