Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fashion is BACK

Just when we thought that we were going to have to wait til fall to have another fashion recap,
the Met Gala comes along, slaps us in the face, tells us that we aren't good enough for it, and reminds us that [even thought that former statement is true] we can still drool over its fashion!

Here are just a few that caught my eye:
Anna Wintour
I love this dress, but I just have to say something. I know that every woman in America aspires to be "skinny". I don't care who you are, what you weigh, or how happy you say you are with your body, you want to be skinnier, I know you do. However, there comes a point in the weight loss journey where people just dont look like people anymore. There is such a thing as too skinny. I understand that sometimes being stick thin is "in", but isn't that just so boring? Anna has no shape whatsoever. None. I just want her to choose the full fat dressing, just this once! My main point here is, this dress is gorgeous, but I think it would have been showcased better on someone who was 10-15 pounds heavier.

Milania Trump is a bombshell and there is just no way around that. I do have a hard time believing that the Donald can understand what she is saying most of the time.

I love, love, love Ginnifer Goodwin. I love how girl next door she is, I love that she can rock a short 'do, and I love that her ears stick out a little [just like mine]. However, I do not love this look. Actually, when I look at it again, I really kind of like the dress, especially with the necklace combo, but her hair is too short/ too weird here. I think that is what is really throwing me off. It looks like they borrowed Zac Efrons hair and put it on her head. Also, I hate those shoes.

Ok. What is wrong with Blake Lively? I have been meaning to write about this for awhile now and I just haven't gotten around to it. Something is different about her! Honestly, for awhile I just thought that she looked haggard and that she probably just needed some rest. Then I thought, well perhaps her face looks different because she is beyond skinny and at some point, that can definitely change the dimensions of your face [see: Anna Wintour caption above], but now I can't help but wonder if she's had some more plastic surgery! I cannot put my finger on the difference but I know its there. Dr. Lela is ordering bedrest and pizza for this girl. It's ok to stay home for a night, Blake.

I adore Stella McCartney, but what, what, WHAT is she doing with this dress? Honestly, I feel like I could have made this dress and, in fact, its probable that someone like ME [aka, a beginning sewer] did make this dress. It just looks like a Home Ec project. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

OK. First of all, can someone please tell me what is so great about Miranda Kerr? Maybe its just this particular photo, but homegirl ain't that cute. Second of all, did she get confused and think that either 1) She was heading to auditions for Swan Lake, 2) Orlando was taking her to prom? or 3) she was going to be on Skating with the Stars? I despise everything about this outfit [including those shoes! alone they are not awful, but with that dress?? Who dressed her?????!]

Jenny from the Block is a DIVA and looks fabulous as always. Nice to see this rich pink color in a sea of black and neutrals.

Meow! How sexified is this photo?? Diane Kruger looks phenominal. Va-Va-voom! This dress is very Old Hollywood, chic yet not totally "safe", but very sophisticated. A+!

These two are an adorable couple, I just wish they looked a bit happier to be there. I don't love Maggie's hair or her complete lack of jewelry [um, earrings please?], but the dress looks great.

Um, at the risk of sounding redundant........what is she doing? What, what, WHAT is she doing????? It's great to be funny on the set of Modern Family, but the joke is on you with this dress Sofia Vergara. I just..........there are no words. I can't.

I didn't realize that LeeLee Sobieski was still relevant and got invitations to events like the Met Gala, but I'm not totally mad at her outfit. Now, I dont necessarily think that the MET GALA is the best event for this outfit because it is kind of understated, but with that being said, I do quite like the look of it. I just wish she would have picked something a bit more jazzy for this event.

So Nicole Ritchie and Diane Kruger must have been on the same page with the Hollywood glamour theme. She looks great! Dress, hair, makeup, the complete package is spot on. I do really love this type of look and I hope that more starlets begin to lean in the old Hollywood direction. It almost never fails.

I, uh.......did Leighton Meester get her nights mixed up and think that last night was the S&M convention? What in the WORLD? Hate it. Try again next year. Thanks for playing.

Ok, I just love this. There isn't anything too flashy about what Amy Poehler is wearing, but the fact that it is just so classy and that we rarely get to see her done up like this is making my heart swell with joy at how great she looks. Really liking this hair do on her too. Would love to see her like this more often!

I could give a silent fart about Rumor Willis, but I do quite like this dress.

VERA! This color would not look great on many, but Vera Wang is totally rocking it. Love the dress. Please have some dinner. Thanks.

Would someone PLEASE tell Taylor Swift to stop wearing dresses that are the exact same color as her skin tone. She looks fabulous in RED. Can someone please get her a red dress? Or, just to mix it up, why not try BLACK for once? I am over these completely neutral dress colors that she has been choosing.

So, again, I'm not sure that the Met Gala was the best venue for this dress to be showcased, but I still love it. Michelle Williams has a slightly kooky style that I am generally on board with. This dress is just slightly left of center and I think that's why I love it.

Didn't Carrie Bradshaw wear this dress sometime on Sex in the City? I think it's gorgeous, however, this particular belt cheapens the look of it.

I understand that most people will not comprehend what I am about to say, but Mary Kate Olsen can very rarely do wrong in my book. I will say, once more, that I'm not certain that a red carpet and a black tie event is the best place for this particular dress, however, I am completely head over heels in love with it.

Naomi Watts- understated, classic, and gorgeous. Well done!

Nashville's own Karen Elson- vavoom! This dress is great. It works so well on the red carpet and also does a nice job of complementing her hair color and skin tone. Perhaps I shall head over to Venus and Mars this afternoon to see if they have another!

I am showing this picture of Chloe Sevigny less for the dress and more for the hair. I am so used to seeing her with long hair that I almost didn't realize that this was her! This haircut is tres adorable on her and almost makes me want to chop all of mine off!

And there you have it my friends. Perhaps we will once again get slapped in the face with fashion that we have forgotten about.

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