Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Filed Under: Interesting

Does everyone remember earlier this year when John Travolta and Kelly Prestons son Jett tragically died while they were out of the country? And supposedly he passed away from complications of Kawasaki disease? And then how people tried to extort money from the Travolta's after Jett's death [which is completely disgusting in itself].

A trial is now being conducted surrounding the extortion and Travolta admitted in court last week that his son didn't have Kawasaki disease after all, but had been diagnosed with Autism. This is most interesting because Autism is not a disease that is recognized by the Church of Scientology [of which the Travolta's are members]. Since the disease isn't recognized, the medicines that can help control the disease are very frowned upon. Even epileptics in the COS are discouraged from taking their medicine and are nudged towards a more holistic approach instead. Now don't get me wrong, I think that whenever you can use natural remedies to cure what ails  you, then you absolutely should. But as far as I know, there are no "vitamins" that can control autism or epilepsy. 

The fact that these grown adults essentially denied their son proper medical care because a church that is based upon aliens [ALIENS!] told them to- gawd, I'm so mad. I'm actually angry over this. That is child neglect! It is not like their son had asthma, or gout, or something that is an "easy fix". Autism is a big deal. I'm sure that since John and Kelly are celebrities that they will be played as the victims in all of this, and, sure, they are. They lost their son, and you can tell that they are hard core grieving. But the fact that Jett might still be alive had he received proper medical attention doesn't escape me, nor should it anyone else. 

So People: Don't be afraid of Doctors. Don't Be Afraid To Treat Your Diseases. And Don't join the Church of Scientology.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Rufus!!

Milwaukee At Last!!!

New David Gray

Draw The Line

New Will Hoge

BTW, this is a great album cover.

will hoge

New Paramore!!

Paramore - Brand New Eyes

New, New, New!!!

At some point, I plan to do a song by song breakdown of this album. Cross your fingers that it happens soon.

Mariah Carey - Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel


Make up Music Tuesday was kind of a failure. I failed and I'm admitting it and I'm sorry. Since I failed, I'm trying to end the day with a bang- I give you the new Ghostface Killah. You're welcome.

Ghostdini: The Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City

Liveblogging: One Hour Late Round 2

Featuring: The City

*Whitney's got a new apartment, new castmembers [im sorry, friends], new everything!

*"LA has weather, we have life"- that's perfect Kelly Catrone

* The theme of the night seems to be "bitch". Interesting.

" Rox needs to not get off on the wrong fot with kelly. That will NOT end well for her.

* I HATE OLIVIA PALERMOOOOOOOOOOO!!! How is she going to survive at a magazine with being able to steal Whitneys ideas.


* Erin looks really young- good for her for being where she is now! Go gurl.

* That was a terribly awkward exchange between Olivia and Erin. Keep em coming.

* Is Erin part Asian?

* I love that Rox was basically just talking shit about Whitney and is now her bestie? Also, Rox's comments about Whit's style in high school kind of make sense- Whitney's fashion sense is a little off base a bit.

* Aww, poor Whitney. She totally just got backed in a corner when Rox completely invited herself to live on Whitney's couch. Nice.

* I wish Olivia would eat something. She isn't looking so hot.

* Erin is being really nice to Olivia despite the fact that she OBVIOUSLY doesn't like her.

* Whitneys dad's top from the 80s is not flattering on her. 

* Ooh, Olivia, not a good first day at work. that poor intern is SO confused. I'm a bit confused myself. Is she just trying to be difficult, or she is just that clueless?

* Kelly Catrone is right- that Whitney is a good friend to have.

* Um, that's like a serious party. There's a punchbowl. That's a big deal

* Allie is at the party- yay!!!! Wonder why is she isn't a main character this season?

* Whitney is a caver. I would've kicked those people OUT and Roxy would've been on their heels.

* I think I hear some Thunderheist. YES!

* Oh, I'm sorry Anne, were you under the impression that Olivia thought of people other than herself? INCORRECT!

* Um, that was a stupid ending to the show. Disappointed.

Liveblogging: One Hour Late

On this episode of LiveBlogging I give you: The Hills

* Awww I miss Laurens voice already

*Kristen Cavallari was Brody Jenners FIRST girlfriend? At what age, 22? Thats kind of weird right?

*KC slapped Lauren Conrad??? That's crazy!! No freakin wonder Lauren doesn't like her! ( I mean, aside from the rest of it.)

*"It's on Bitch" is the best title of this episode. Ever.

* I did NOT miss Spencer. Not a bit. Why do I watch this show?

* **Sidenote** These fuckers make like a hundred g's an episode. Just so you know

*I love that Brody just told his current girlfriend that she needs to "watch out" for his ex girlfriend. Classic.

*Dear MTV, no need to hide Kristins face. We know its her- we've seen your previews.

* I like Audrina's hair blonde, but I wish she'd quit trying to be me.

*I think that Jade is not pretty. I mean she's pretty, but in that "i was possibly made on a computer" kind of way.

* "As a friend, it's girl code"- didn't Audrina JUST say that Kristin wasn't her friend.

*I love that Stefanie just went over to tell Justin Bobby to say "hi" to Justin. Um, are we in middle school? Are you his mom? 

* I maybe, kind of just sided with Kristin in the "Kristin v. Stefanie Round 1" fight. Dammit.

* Do you think that Audrina is leaving The Hills because of Kristin? Interesssting.

* Why the HELL is Spencer wearing a cowboy hat? Ga-Ross. **Sidenote** Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if Spencer Pratt was on that stupid John Rich show Gone Country???? Bahahahah

*Ok, is this Stacie the bartender from last season?? Is she friends with everyone now? I remember that she was at Heidi and Spencer's wedding, but this is all just weird.

*Justin Bobby is like.a.child. A CHILD. But dang it, I am SO attracted to him.

* Do we think KC even knows anything about basketball???

* I DO think she knows a bit about how to lure a guy in. Good game, Kristin.

* "Her own ego is going to destroy herself". - Thank you Audrina

* Dear Audrina- Get over JB. Do it quick. This is annoying.

* JB and Kristin on a date.....interesting. Kristin sticking up for Audrina's feelings? Even more interesting.

* JB says he and Audrina were never exclusive. HE GAVE HER A PROMISE RING!!!!!!! How the hell is that not exclusive???

And that's it. Hmmmm. Do we think the JB/KC connection is legit, or something only set up by the Producers? Its just so dang hard to tell on this show.

Trashy TV Reminder

For those of you who still care, both The Hills and The City have their Season Premieres tonight. It looks like there have been LOTS of changes on both shows. Obviously, Lauren has left The Hills and Kristen Cavallari has taken her place. I gotta say, I hated KC on Laguna Beach, so I'm not sure that I'll be able to handle her on The Hills. And the entire cast of The City is new, with the exception of Whitney and Olivia Palermo [GAWD i hate her]. I'm really going to miss Erin from last season. I like her a lot- she reminds me of my friend April [SHOUT OUT!!]. Previews beloW1

I'm Kind of Obsessing....

....over this song. I can't stop listening to it- soooooooooooooooooo good. High five Hayley. "Brand New Eyes" is out TODAY and is available on for $3.99. THREE NINETY-NINE. Shoo.

Soundtrack Tuesday

Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's a Celebration of Life

In honor of T.I.s birthday today, we are listening to some jams and buying some guns.

T.I. - U Dont Know Me - T.I.

T.I. - Top Back - T.I.

Da Dopeman - T.I.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sorry Guys

I haven't had much of a chance to write, but I'm twweeeeeeeeeeting. Follow me on Twitter! @YourFriendLela

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In Case You Were Wondering....

This is what Kim Zolciak's real hair looks like.



I've been lying awake at night wondering what is underneath that wig-o-weave. Knowing now what it is, I'm not mad at her for the wig. In fact, I commend her for knowing how atrocious her real hair is.