Friday, July 31, 2009

Eminem is PISSED

And why wouldn't he be? He says hes got proof that he and Mariah bumped nasties despite her constant denials of even dating him. Bring it Eminem. The world. must. know.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

She's A Comedian!

This picture is funny because...

1) The tattoo is fake

2) She spelled Joshie's name wrong [and I think they're pals.]

3) Someone out there actually has this tattoo. You know its true.


Glee is back!!!! Well, sort of. Its not back yet, but it will be soon [September 9th to be exact]. In order to keep us interested and entertained, the show has released a new clip from an upcoming episode.

Daaaaang, these kids can really sing. I am super pumped to see what this show has in store this season. Mark your calenders!!!

Dreams Come True

Do any of you readers live in NYC? Are you obsessed [ or even slightly interested] with Sex and the City? If so, your time has come!

It's an open casting!!! I hope to see some of you in the film!

Grant Wilfley Casting is holding an open call for background performers for SEX AND THE CITY 2.

Seeking SAG and NON SAG to play:

Fashion Models, Celebrity types, Upscale Socialites, Fashionistas, Urban Club goers, Gays and Lesbians, International types (Middle Eastern, Arabic, Asian, European, British), Professional Soccer Players.

Open Call:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Metropolitan Pavilion

125 West 18th Street

between 6th & 7th Avenues.

SAG: 10am- 12:30pm

NON-SAG: 1:30p-4:00p

Email a recent picture and contact info to: if you cannot attend the open call.


Me thinks that Nick Lachey is getting back to his roots.

Does this girl look familiar to anyone else?

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Road To 3

Paddling Ghost - Dan Deacon

The Road To Lollapalooza....

Treasures - Thievery Corporation

The Road To Lollapalooza....

....starts here.

Andy, Youre A Star - The Killers

Mariah Music Monday

this isn't my favorite Mariah song, but it does have some great one liners in it ["see right through ya like you're bathin in windex", "you're a mom and pop, I'm a corporation, I'm a press conference, you're a conversation"]. We'll take it MiMi.

Beautiful Music Monday


Colbie Music Monday

Dear Everyone,

It's still summer!! I know it hasn't felt like it, and everyone is beginning to think about fall, but it summertime!! Colbie is here to remind us, and dang she's good at what she does.

Fallin For You - Colbie Caillat


Welcome back to the work week folks. Here we go.

These boys are adorable and the song is pretty. Seems like a pretty good way to start the week, no?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I Want One

What a cute, adorably chubby baby!

It's No Secret...

...that I am not Scarlett Johansson's biggest fan, but I definitely am enjoying this new hair color of hers. Its very flattering! Get it gurl!


New Music Sunday

We might as well call this "New Music Sunday with Appearances from Kanye West". I hope Kanye isn't going to be the new Justin Timberlake and just start showing up on everyone else's songs instead of doing a new album of his own [sidenote: why don't JT and Kanye collaborate? Brilliant!]. 


What do you think of this song? I'm completely over auto tune [unless its TPain- that's his thing so I'll allow it], but for a "dance/electronica" type song, it's not so bad.

This Kid Again

He's back. Maddox Jolie-Pitt still wants us to know that he is still cooler than the rest of us peasants. If the sunglasses werent enough before, now he's rocking a man purse. A murse. Except he's not quite a man, and is more a boy, so do we call it a burse? I say yes.

Maddox, we get it. Stop making us feel bad about ourselves!

New Music Sunday

I've gotta admit- I was over Rihanna for awhile. I was just over it. The girl was over exposed long before the "incident" happened in February. That doesn't mean I don't like her music, I actually really do, it was just too. much. [Thanks for nothing Clear Channel]. But the girl is back and in a good way-singing a hook on a Jay-Z/Kanye collab. I dig it. What do you think?


Her shoes are from J.Crew.
Just thought you might like to know.


I just don't understand ANY of this.

What IS she wearing? If this were a stage outfit, that would be one thing. You can get away with quite a bit more when you are performing, but that is not a stage in the background! What is with this  celebs who seem to be trying to emulate Lady Gaga? Don't they understand that homegirl is CRAZY?? People need to recognize.

Why Am I Not Surprised?

Of COURSE these two jerks hang out together- this shouldn't have surprised me at all. But it really leads me to wonder, how exactly did Jon Gosselin end up in the same social circle as Michael Lohan? Anyone else think it looks like they're on a date? 

I hope Jon is happy with his new "celebrity" friends and that they fill the void of the 8 children he left behind. I mean, I'm not exactly Kate's biggest fan, but maybe the divorce is the best thing that could've happened to her. No one wants to be married to a douche.

My Oh My

Where has the week gone?? I do apologize for my absence, but things just got nuts-o at the end of the week. Will you forgive me if we do some Sunday posts? Yes? Ok, good. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I Find It Kind Of Funny....

Does anyone else find it bizarre that Ashley Olsen is responsible for designing beautiful clothes, but dresses like this?

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all about comfort, but I'm also not in the public eye. Like at all. Just sayin.

Deal of the Day

Baja Burrito! Print out this coupon, buy a regular sized drink, and get a free burrito! Easy as

Don't Be Late....

....for your very important date. I cannot WAIT for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. Check out the trailer below. I could be anticipating this as much as Where The Wild Things Are, but it's a tough call.

Filed Under: Eff Yes!

Kelly Clarkson has announced a fall tour! Praise Jebus!

The "All I Ever Wanted Tour" Kicks off October 2nd in Uncasville, CT [really?]. I gotta say, there are some very random cities on this tour. I find it very sad that the closest show to me is either Knoxville or Pikeville, KY. Really? No Nashy action? But you LIVE here, Kelly. No Fair. complete tour dates below. Get pumped!!


October 2 Uncasville, CT Mohegan Sun Resort & Casino

October 4 Portland, ME Cumberland County Civic Center

October 6 New York, NY Hammerstein Ballroom

October 9 Atlantic City, NJ Borgata Hotel & Casino

October 10 Fairfax, VA Patriot Center

October 13 Boston, MA Agganis Arena at Boston University

October 15 Orillia, ON Casino Rama Entertainment Centre

October 17 Youngstown, OH Covelli Centre

October 19 Pikeville, KY Eastern Kentucky Expo Center

October 21 Knoxville, TN Knoxville Civic Coliseum

October 23 Milwaukee, WI Milwaukee Theatre

October 25 Detroit, MI Fox Theatre

October 27 Chicago, IL Rosemont Theatre

October 29 Lincoln, NE Pershing Center

October 31 St. Charles, MO Family Arena

November 2 Cedar Park, TX Cedar Park Center

November 4 Lubbock, TX United Spirit Arena

November 6 Las Vegas, NV The Joint

November 7 Phoenix, AZ Arizona State Fair

November 18 Victoria, BC Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre

November 20 Calgary, AB Saddledome

November 22 Kelowna, BC Prospera Place

November 24 Seattle, WA WaMu Theater

November 28 Reno, NV Reno Events Center

November 29 San Jose, CA Event Center at San Jose University

December 1 Fresno, CA Save Mart Center at Fresno State

December 3 Las Cruces, NM Pan American Center

December 5 Beaumont, TX Ford Park Arena

December 7 Corpus Christi, TX American Bank Center

December 10 Columbus, GA Columbus Civic Center

December 11 Pensacola, FL Pensacola Civic Center

December 13 Hollywood, FL Seminole Hard Rock Live Arena

That's What I'm Talkin Bout!

Get it gurl, work it out! I knew this break up would be good for Jessica Simpson [pictured here on the way to the gym].
Jessica Simpson Pictures

Does anyone else remember how skinny she got after John Mayer dumped her? If I remember correctly, she stole Johns trainer and got smokin hot! Well, clearly homegirl has fallen off the YMCA wagon, but never fear, she's back on the sauce. She is going to be back and better than ever, all in time for her new TV show. Your music career might be in the shitter Jess, but we have high hopes for your looks!

It's All About The Kids

In Hollywood, the kids rule the roost. It's true! A couple of days ago, I wrote a post about the most fabulous little Beckham child who's ever existed. Today we've got an awesome picture of sweet little Maddox Jolie-Pitt. And by sweet, I mean balla.

Look at this kid! Is he not just the epitomy of hipness? From the faux-hawk he's been rocking since age 6 months, to the sunglasses that cost absolutely no less than $500, sweat band around his wrist. This kid knows whats up! In fact, he is soo much better than us, that he has to peer over the top of his sunglasses in order to let us know. And is that a switchblade in his hand?? I guess you shouldn't expect much less from the son of Lora Croft: Tomb Raider.

Movie Reviews!

Ok, ok, I have heard the cry of the people [well, one person. The only one who commented on what they wanted to read on my blog]. You want more movie reviews! And movie reviews I can provide!

Last night I went to check out a screener of The Ugly Truth. I gotta say, I was pretty excited about this movie. I just simply adore Katherine Heigl. I've always been a fan and I will always be a fan, even when she makes a crappy movie. Kind of like this one.

I gotta say, I didn't really like the movie. It's also worth saying that I think I was the only one. Everyone else in the theater seemed to really be into it and saying really great things after, but I just wasn't on board. Let me give you a little background before I dive in.

So Gerard Butlers character, Mike, has a public television show called The Ugly Truth where he basically tells women that men are incapable of love, that all they care about is the way that women look and what kinds of things they will do sexually. They don't care about you, your feelings, or your problems, only the sex. Thats him.

Katherine Heigls character, Abby, is an uptight, control freak, award winning television producer of a local Sacramento morning show. She tries to date, but falls a little short on the appeal when she does background checks on the men she meets online. Their worlds collide when The Ugly Truth comes to Abby's morning show.

Abby hates Mike until she meets a new guy and needs advice on what to do to get/keep him interested. Mike steps in to help. You can probably guess the rest.

Ok, first of all, Gerard Butler needs to work on his accent. I'm sure he thought "Yeah, I can do an American accent without a dialect coach, no problem." Wrong, Gerard. Get some help next time. I found that to be incredibly annoying.

Second, as much as I love KH, the role of the uber control freak didn't work for her. I'm not sure why either- too believable, not believable enough? No clue, I just didn't like it. And what control freak lets someone else dictate to them the way they should act, for any reason? The only redeemable part of her role was that she does this ridiculously hideous celebration dance that is kind of hilarious. I totally pictured her and TR Knight doing it together to celebrate an Emmy win.

Third, the movie was over the top perverted. I get that they were trying to be edgy and say "we are more than a romantic comedy" but it was just too much. When you over do it with things like that, it becomes even less believable. I am not easily offended by "dirtiness" in movies, and loved Knocked Up & The Hangover, but this one almost made me ill at times.

Fourth, don't preach to me the entire movie about "men feel this certain way and can't feel another way" and then totally contradict yourself at the end of the movie! I HATE this. I hated it in the same way that I hated the end of He's Just Not That Into You. And, again, I get its a RoCo and it has to have a happy ending, blah blah blah, but you're trying to be edgy, REMEMBER??

Now, even though I didn't care for the movie over all, there were some really funny moments, including one that involved KH and a pair of vibrating undies [which was slightly reminiscent of a scene in O in Ohio involving Parker Posey and a vibrator]. Is the movie worth seeing? Yeah, maybe. It had a few redeeming moments for sure. Is it worth paying $10? Absolutely not.

My verdict: This One's a Renter!

As always, thanks to the for hooking me up with Screening Passes. You guys are the best!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi Friends

Today I am not feeling great and I'm super busy, so I won't be posting much. I'll see you back here tomorrow!!


Just in case you guys hadn't heard, Chris Brown is sorry about the "incident" that happened earlier this year.

Monday, July 20, 2009

This Kid!

Holy grapevines, look at that kid!

I could give two shits about the adults on either side of him, about the fact that Posh's boobs are smaller and her hair is short again or the fact that Tom Cruise thinks that is 1991 again. I am only interested in that child. Look how precious he is! And by precious I mean, the most stylish 4 year old on the block. Did you have any kids in your pre school class who wore blazers over t-shirts? Yeah, me neither. Then again, I didn't go to school with the Beckham children. He's got the sassy hair cut, the sassy shirt, and the uber sharp and masculine blazer- what more could this kid need? When he grows up, he's either going to be a fashion icon or gay. On second thought, maybe both. I just want to snatch him up and put him in my pocket!

Music Monday

Weekend Roundup

I hope you guys had a great weekend! Mine was spent mostly relaxing and just chilling out. Friday night was dinner and drinks with friends, Saturday was the Farmers Market [ i LOVE the Farmers Market], Shopping in quaint little Franklin, salads and soft pretzels at Mellow Mushroom, birthday parties, and getting hollered at by 8 year olds, homeless men, and guys in a PT Cruiser. In a nutshell, the best Saturday ever. Sunday held church, Pei Wei, naps, a hike up a small mountain, crafts, and Entourage.

My weekend was splendid. Now it's back to the grind. I'm working out Music Monday for you guys, and thinking about starting a new series, especially since Trashy TV is kind of slim during the summer. Do you have any suggestions? Id love to hear your feedback! As always, thanks for reading- we're going to have a great week together.

Your Friend Lela

Dear Everyone

In my desire to not make you guys have to "click through" to another site in order to hear music, I'm trying out some new music sites. I've found one that I like pretty well, but unfortunately it automatically starts playing the songs as soon as you enter my site. So, don't say I didn't warn you- hit the pause button asap! Meanwhile, I'm going to try and fix this problem.

Thanks for your patience!

I Bet You Forgot Music Monday

Who? That's right, you forgot about Augustana. But don't worry, I'm here to remind you!

Augustana - Sweet And Low...


Let's kick this Music Monday off right- with a slightly depressing song. ;)

- Secondhand Serenade A Twist In...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Project Runway Watch!

There are new commercials/ trailers for the upcoming season of Project Runway that feature the designers and little featurettes about all of them.

These are soooo Lifetime. It makes me wonder what the show is gonna be like, because I have never seen a more cheesetastic PR commercial. We shall see.....

I Hate Her

No really, I do. First, she looks like this. Second, she puts out a record when she can barely sing. Third, she's married to Ryan Reynolds. I really, really hate her.

Trashy TV!

Good news, Good news, Good news!!! Your favorite and mine, Bethenny Frankel, is getting her own show!!

Beep! Beep!

This is good because I do adore her, but also bad because it probably means that she wont be on the next season of The Real Housewives of New York with my other favorite Jill Zarin and her arch nemesis Kelly Bensimon, who evidently has signed on for another season.

The little tidbit about the shows says that it will be called Skinny & the City [hmmmm] and that it will focus on her planning her wedding to Jason Hoppy. HOLD. THE. PHONE!! Bethenny, you're getting married?? You didn't TELL me? And doesn't this seem a bit sudden? I mean, she had just started dating someone during the reunion special and that was just a few short months ago. Me confused? Is this the guy she was dating in Season 1? Meh, who cares.

I'll keep you posted on the details!

This Is So Wrong

How do people not know when their clothes dont fit??

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Trashy TV: Monday- Friday

Real Housewives of Orange County is coming back. The hell you say?? I thought that show was dried up for good? Evidently not. I mean, there is probably not a person in all of the land who likes The Real Housewives... as much as I do, but even I am over the OC. Sure, they were the jump off for all of the other shows, but its time to let it go.

But oh no, Bravo is continuing the show and is even brining on a new housewife. Meet Alexis Bellino.

Yep. That looks about right.

This Is A Lie

Justin Timberlake Admits Robert Pattinson Is Hotter

Justin Timberlake, Robert PattinsonKevin Mazur/ Getty Images, Jun Sato/Getty Images

He may have brought sexy back, but Robert Pattinson has run away with it.

At least, that's what Justin Timberlake thinks.

Jessica Biel's BF took to his Twitter last night to answer some looming questions. Among them was this gem: "Why aren't you sexy like Robert Pattinson?"

Justin, who sees himself in 10 years "through a mirror and with more wrinkles," responds, "Because God loved him more than me."

Dear Zooey,

Did you want to be my friend? Because, I think you're swell. And you can get me into Death Cab for Cutie concerts for free! Call me!

Who Is This?

Because it sure doesn't look like Kim Kardashian!

So He Does Have a Sense of Humor?

I'm still not sure.

Single In America

Marie Claire has an article in their issue this month [the one with Fergie on the cover- ugh] about cities in America where you are most likely to find single, dateable men. It really is pretty interesting because they went through the latest cencus data to figure out which cities had the highest ratio of men to women, then scored cities on their "date friendliness factor.

Not surprisingly, my city [and very few other Southern cities] are included on the list. People in the South just get married young! And the majority of the men here who are unmarried are either in a serious relationship and on the way to marriage, or a douchebag. Those are really the only options.

In other news, I'm moving soon. To one of the top 20 cities.

Seattle was #1. The guys here are likely unattached because they all have long hair and wear plaid shirts. That was only Kurt Cobain?? Oh.

San Jose was #3. Evidently, they won for the city having the highest ratio of men to women and Marie Claire even says that finding a man here would be like "shooting fish in a barrel". That's all well and good, but are we desperate enough that we just want to find any man? I mean, no offense to these guys, but the ratio is off b/c San Jose is a "tech mesa", read: these guys are nerds! I'm probably not ready to move here just yet- we'll keep it as a last resort.

Minneapolis was #7. It's too cold here to even leave the house. No wonder everyone is single!

Dallas and Atlanta came in at numbers 8 & 9 respectively. These are a couple of cities that I could get behind. Southern, good food, good shoping, good looking fellas. These two are at the top of my list.

Las Vegas and Los Angeles came in at # 12 and 13, but here's the thing: Guys aren't married in these cities because they don't want to be [or because gay marriage isn't legal yet]. Has Marie Claire ever been to one of these cities? They house the pickiest, douchiest, shadiest men in all of the land. There are enough whores in those towns to keep the men busy for two lifetimes over without ever having to worry about commitment or ring shopping. Gimme a break, Marie Claire. I thought you were trying to help. These two cities get the big, fat "X" on my list.

New York City came in at #16, which was a bit surprising to me. Shows like Sex And the City always try to make it seem that there are no single men in New York. Perhaps the problems isn't that they aren't single, it's just that they aren't dateable? Which is kind of amazing when you think about how many men there must be in NYC, and the idea that so many of them could be hopelessly undateable is just........its just depressing really.

The full list and a handy map are both below.

1. Seattle, WA 11. Houston, TX
2. Denver, CO 12. Las Vegas, NV
3. San Jose, CA 13. Los Angeles, CA
4. San Deigo, CA 14. Boston, MA
5. Austin, TX 15. Chicago, IL
6. San Francisco, CA 16. New York, NY
7. Minneapolis, MN 17. Miami, FL
8. Dallas, TX 18. Columbus, OH
9. Atlanta, GA 19. Virginia Beach, VA
10. Portland, OR 20. Milwaukee, WI