Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cheaters Never Win

So as you guys all know, I've been fairly distraught over the whole Steve McNair murder thing. I don't think I've posted an update since the Nashville Police have officially called it a Murder/ Suicide, but I can't say that I was surprised. It seems as though a lot of people are up in arms about the fact that this "community hero" was actually cheating on his wife [a few times over]. I'm not making any excuses for the guy b/c I hate cheaters just as much as the next guy, but at the same time, just because he was cheating on his wife it doesn't take away the fact that he did a lot of really great things in the Nashville community.

But I'm getting carried away, this post wasn't mean to be about Steve. I want to address the girl he was dating. From what we know, she was a 20 year old girl who worked at Dave and Busters and believed that Steve was prepared to divorce his wife of 12 years and leave their 4 sons for a life with her. Sahel Kazemi was dillusional. But she's not the only one. How many young [or not so young] women get involved with men, fully knowing that they are married with children and with lives? Not to dip into stereotypes, but I think sometimes society expects the men to be dogs [fair or unfair, you can't deny that its true]. In the circumstances where this is true, and the man initiates an extramarital relationship, it is the woman who chooses whether or not to make the affair happen. Sometimes men choose to hide the fact that they are married and you can't fault the mistress, but that isn't the case here. This 20 year old knew full well what she was doing and what she was getting herself into. 

To me, it seems like she had a pretty good situation going. A boyfriend who takes you on vacations, buys you an Escalade and bails you out of jail when you get a DUI? Not too shabby. She was apparantly so convinced that she was moving in with McNair, that she put her furniture up on Craigslist just days before the murder. But then, something happened that turned her world upside down- she found out that Steve was cheating on her.

Um, hello????? OF COURSE he's cheating on you!!! If a twelve year commitment and four children isn't enough to keep to keep a man monogamous, what is?? You were really naive enough to think that he would never be with another woman, besides his wife, while he was with you? I feel like at this point this should be a REALLY?? post. At what point does the mistress become so self righteous that she decides to murder the man she is having an affair with because he isn't being true to her. Wow.

This leads me to another question- if you are the mistress, can you technically be cheated on? When a man is having an affair, his actual commitment is to his wife- not to you. You were the one who was foolish enough to get involved with a cheater. And then you have the audacity to kill the man you are only sleeping because you believe that if the two of you die together, you will be together for eternity?? How selfish. How incredibly naive, stupid, and selfish. 

Was Steve McNair a jackass cheater? Sure, it certainly seems that way. It also seems that he got involved with the wrong. girl. Let this be a lesson to all married men and young women:
men, think twice before you cheat on your wife and ladies, don't get involved with married men. Period. 

Because, You know what they say: Once a cheater always a cheater. And Cheaters never win.

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