Last night I went to check out a screener of The Ugly Truth. I gotta say, I was pretty excited about this movie. I just simply adore Katherine Heigl. I've always been a fan and I will always be a fan, even when she makes a crappy movie. Kind of like this one.
I gotta say, I didn't really like the movie. It's also worth saying that I think I was the only one. Everyone else in the theater seemed to really be into it and saying really great things after, but I just wasn't on board. Let me give you a little background before I dive in.
So Gerard Butlers character, Mike, has a public television show called The Ugly Truth where he basically tells women that men are incapable of love, that all they care about is the way that women look and what kinds of things they will do sexually. They don't care about you, your feelings, or your problems, only the sex. Thats him.
Katherine Heigls character, Abby, is an uptight, control freak, award winning television producer of a local Sacramento morning show. She tries to date, but falls a little short on the appeal when she does background checks on the men she meets online. Their worlds collide when The Ugly Truth comes to Abby's morning show.
Abby hates Mike until she meets a new guy and needs advice on what to do to get/keep him interested. Mike steps in to help. You can probably guess the rest.
Ok, first of all, Gerard Butler needs to work on his accent. I'm sure he thought "Yeah, I can do an American accent without a dialect coach, no problem." Wrong, Gerard. Get some help next time. I found that to be incredibly annoying.
Second, as much as I love KH, the role of the uber control freak didn't work for her. I'm not sure why either- too believable, not believable enough? No clue, I just didn't like it. And what control freak lets someone else dictate to them the way they should act, for any reason? The only redeemable part of her role was that she does this ridiculously hideous celebration dance that is kind of hilarious. I totally pictured her and TR Knight doing it together to celebrate an Emmy win.
Third, the movie was over the top perverted. I get that they were trying to be edgy and say "we are more than a romantic comedy" but it was just too much. When you over do it with things like that, it becomes even less believable. I am not easily offended by "dirtiness" in movies, and loved Knocked Up & The Hangover, but this one almost made me ill at times.
Fourth, don't preach to me the entire movie about "men feel this certain way and can't feel another way" and then totally contradict yourself at the end of the movie! I HATE this. I hated it in the same way that I hated the end of He's Just Not That Into You. And, again, I get its a RoCo and it has to have a happy ending, blah blah blah, but you're trying to be edgy, REMEMBER??
Now, even though I didn't care for the movie over all, there were some really funny moments, including one that involved KH and a pair of vibrating undies [which was slightly reminiscent of a scene in O in Ohio involving Parker Posey and a vibrator]. Is the movie worth seeing? Yeah, maybe. It had a few redeeming moments for sure. Is it worth paying $10? Absolutely not.
My verdict: This One's a Renter!
As always, thanks to the
for hooking me up with Screening Passes. You guys are the best!
1 comment:
Perfection! I think this is a fantastic movie review! Better than the movie!
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