Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's Not Big, It's Large

Yesterday, I mosied myself on down to Memphis to see Mr. Lyle Lovett perform[hence the lack of blogging yesterday and today due to catch up]. It was a pretty swell day filled with bbq from Neelys [Pat and Gina where were you??] and an amaaaaaaaaazing show. Really. It was incredible.

I may be a little biased here, but you have definitely got to check out one of Lyle's shows if he is ever in your area [and he is touring extensively through the fall, so check out his tour schedule]. The show started with one of his back up singers, Francine, doing a few blues songs on her own. She. Was. Fabulous. I have a new idol. I am now striving to be just like Francine. You can call me Franny Lela. It has a certain ring to it.

Check out Lyle's website and listen to the song below- its just delightful.

North Dakota - Lyle Lovett

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