Thursday, July 16, 2009

Single In America

Marie Claire has an article in their issue this month [the one with Fergie on the cover- ugh] about cities in America where you are most likely to find single, dateable men. It really is pretty interesting because they went through the latest cencus data to figure out which cities had the highest ratio of men to women, then scored cities on their "date friendliness factor.

Not surprisingly, my city [and very few other Southern cities] are included on the list. People in the South just get married young! And the majority of the men here who are unmarried are either in a serious relationship and on the way to marriage, or a douchebag. Those are really the only options.

In other news, I'm moving soon. To one of the top 20 cities.

Seattle was #1. The guys here are likely unattached because they all have long hair and wear plaid shirts. That was only Kurt Cobain?? Oh.

San Jose was #3. Evidently, they won for the city having the highest ratio of men to women and Marie Claire even says that finding a man here would be like "shooting fish in a barrel". That's all well and good, but are we desperate enough that we just want to find any man? I mean, no offense to these guys, but the ratio is off b/c San Jose is a "tech mesa", read: these guys are nerds! I'm probably not ready to move here just yet- we'll keep it as a last resort.

Minneapolis was #7. It's too cold here to even leave the house. No wonder everyone is single!

Dallas and Atlanta came in at numbers 8 & 9 respectively. These are a couple of cities that I could get behind. Southern, good food, good shoping, good looking fellas. These two are at the top of my list.

Las Vegas and Los Angeles came in at # 12 and 13, but here's the thing: Guys aren't married in these cities because they don't want to be [or because gay marriage isn't legal yet]. Has Marie Claire ever been to one of these cities? They house the pickiest, douchiest, shadiest men in all of the land. There are enough whores in those towns to keep the men busy for two lifetimes over without ever having to worry about commitment or ring shopping. Gimme a break, Marie Claire. I thought you were trying to help. These two cities get the big, fat "X" on my list.

New York City came in at #16, which was a bit surprising to me. Shows like Sex And the City always try to make it seem that there are no single men in New York. Perhaps the problems isn't that they aren't single, it's just that they aren't dateable? Which is kind of amazing when you think about how many men there must be in NYC, and the idea that so many of them could be hopelessly undateable is just........its just depressing really.

The full list and a handy map are both below.

1. Seattle, WA 11. Houston, TX
2. Denver, CO 12. Las Vegas, NV
3. San Jose, CA 13. Los Angeles, CA
4. San Deigo, CA 14. Boston, MA
5. Austin, TX 15. Chicago, IL
6. San Francisco, CA 16. New York, NY
7. Minneapolis, MN 17. Miami, FL
8. Dallas, TX 18. Columbus, OH
9. Atlanta, GA 19. Virginia Beach, VA
10. Portland, OR 20. Milwaukee, WI

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Austin is on the list? You should definitely move to Austin over Dallas - it's much cooler and there's tons of musicians! Live Music Capital of the World!