Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How Did You Know?

My horoscope has totally been freaking me out lately. The other day it told me that I would be frustrated b/c my office equipment wouldn't be working, and SURE ENOUGH everything crashed. I always try to be extra careful when it tells me that I will be snapping on people........we never want to be rude.

Today, my horoscope told me that I would be very in tune with other peoples emotions and it would almost feel like I was hearing their private thoughts. I dont know about all that, but then it told me that perhaps I should write an article about the"complexities of social interactions".


Horoscope: how did you know that I have a blog?? I think my horoscope is the one who is a little bit too intuned with things. Thats almost creepy.

So, for right now, I've got nothing on the subject. But I'm going to marinate on it, and I'll get back with you later.

Oh, and horoscope, could you work on the love section a little bit? It's been waaaaay off. Thanks.

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