Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dreams Come True

Do any of you readers live in NYC? Are you obsessed [ or even slightly interested] with Sex and the City? If so, your time has come!

It's an open casting!!! I hope to see some of you in the film!

Grant Wilfley Casting is holding an open call for background performers for SEX AND THE CITY 2.

Seeking SAG and NON SAG to play:

Fashion Models, Celebrity types, Upscale Socialites, Fashionistas, Urban Club goers, Gays and Lesbians, International types (Middle Eastern, Arabic, Asian, European, British), Professional Soccer Players.

Open Call:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Metropolitan Pavilion

125 West 18th Street

between 6th & 7th Avenues.

SAG: 10am- 12:30pm

NON-SAG: 1:30p-4:00p

Email a recent picture and contact info to: sexandthecity2@gwcnyc.com if you cannot attend the open call.

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