Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Semi Live Blogging

I was going to try a bit of "live blogging" on this Michael Jackson memorial service, but honestly, its such a shit storm that I don't even know what to say about it. It is amazing [in so many ways] that the Staples center is absolutely full of people who are honoring and remembering his life. I find it disgusting, however, that radio stations were having contests for people to win tickets to the Memorial Service. That's creepy and its weird. Creepy and weird.

I found it interesting that the first song of the service was "Going to See The King". I remain unsure as to whether the song was meant about King Jesus or Michael the King of Pop- let's not get the two mixed up.

I find myself wondering a lot of things, like, whos idea was this? and is this what Michael would've wanted? is this good for his children? and does John Mayer make that face in bed?

The two biggest questions I have are, 1) Is Michael's body really in the casket [what do YOU think] and 2) How did they get that casket so shiney??

Keep checking back for my updates.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

I say no his body is NOT in the casket. Why did they already go to the cemetary if it's really in there? Fishy.

I think it is a little crazo the tickets and all the people and Staples Center. But I don't think the actual service is any different from what people would do for any music person, or any person in general. Music that the deceased loved, people the deceased loved, speaking about his life. Seems normal. It's just hard for us to understand b/c it's on such a huge level. And when our friends and family pass on - there aren't people lining up to go to their service.

I don't think many people who die want a huge service honoring them and remembering them. I think that's for those of us left behind. And Michael left a ton of people behind.