Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Roundup

I hope you guys had a great weekend! Mine was spent mostly relaxing and just chilling out. Friday night was dinner and drinks with friends, Saturday was the Farmers Market [ i LOVE the Farmers Market], Shopping in quaint little Franklin, salads and soft pretzels at Mellow Mushroom, birthday parties, and getting hollered at by 8 year olds, homeless men, and guys in a PT Cruiser. In a nutshell, the best Saturday ever. Sunday held church, Pei Wei, naps, a hike up a small mountain, crafts, and Entourage.

My weekend was splendid. Now it's back to the grind. I'm working out Music Monday for you guys, and thinking about starting a new series, especially since Trashy TV is kind of slim during the summer. Do you have any suggestions? Id love to hear your feedback! As always, thanks for reading- we're going to have a great week together.

Your Friend Lela

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