Monday, July 20, 2009

This Kid!

Holy grapevines, look at that kid!

I could give two shits about the adults on either side of him, about the fact that Posh's boobs are smaller and her hair is short again or the fact that Tom Cruise thinks that is 1991 again. I am only interested in that child. Look how precious he is! And by precious I mean, the most stylish 4 year old on the block. Did you have any kids in your pre school class who wore blazers over t-shirts? Yeah, me neither. Then again, I didn't go to school with the Beckham children. He's got the sassy hair cut, the sassy shirt, and the uber sharp and masculine blazer- what more could this kid need? When he grows up, he's either going to be a fashion icon or gay. On second thought, maybe both. I just want to snatch him up and put him in my pocket!

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