Monday, July 6, 2009


The Fourth of July is one of my very favorite holidays. Its right up there, neck in neck, with Christmas. I can't really tell you why I love it so much, but I think it has something to do with the fact that its just easy. You hang out with family and friends, you eat burgers, you watch magical fireworks- its just awesome. That's why I was so upset that my 4th of July was completely ruined by the tragic death of Steve McNair. Ok, completely ruined is a bit of an exaggeration, I managed to get through it, but just as soon as I would forget about his murder, someone would remind me and I would get all sad again!

Of everyone that has passed recently, Steve definitely makes me the saddest and for the life of me, I cannot tell you why. Sure, I'm a football fan and I love the Tennessee Titans, but it's not like I watch every single game while wearing his jersey or anything. I think it maybe just hits a little closer to home b/c it isn't rare to see him out at the Outback Steakhouse or around town with his family. It's also slightly more tragic because of the uncertainty of how he died and all of the skeezy info that is coming out about his personal life.

For now, we will try to forget about the bad, only remember the good, and hope that Air McNair got to see some fireworks in the sky this holiday weekend.

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