Thursday, September 4, 2008

You Know What I'm Tired Of?

Election year! And we still have two months to go! I hate, hate, HATE this shit. I love our country and have an invested interest in politics and the way our government is run, but I am seriously considering not voting this year!

Barack Obama is telling you what we as a country need, John McCain is telling you what we as a country need, and the media is telling you, so let me throw in my two cents. Our country doesn't need a young, first African American President, nor do we need an old, same ole same ole white guy President. What we need is someone who is bi-partisan! And frankly, neither one of these candidates are exhibiting that very well. Obama is calling for change- agreed, we need a change, but where is it coming from? Not from you! You're still using the same Democratic values and platform that every other candidate has ever run on! I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these values, but it sure isn't anything we haven't heard before. I expected more from Obama, I really did. I thought this would be a "clean" campaign (not saying Obama is the only one running a not so clean campaign- that definitely isn't the case. But if there was one person to stay out of mud throwing I thought for certain it would be him).

I dont care to hear either of you diss the other candidate. Tell me what YOU are going to do! Tell me what kind of reform you are going to bring. Tell me how you are going to bring a divided nation back together!!

We don't need a candidate who is so far to the left or right that they are nearly falling off the scale, we need candidates who are closer to the middle, who are not afraid to "reach across the aisle" to their political "opponants" and COMPROMISE! It is always about being right, in fact, in politics it should rarely be about being right. It's about doing what is best for the PEOPLE. You can't make all the people happy all of the time, but you can gosh darn make as many as you can on both sides happy some of the time, and the only way to achieve that is through compromise. But compromise doesn't come from candidates who are too enthralled in what the others are doing wrong to see what they could be doing right.

So what does the country need?

Better campaign tactics. Better information. Or maybe just better candidates.

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